Living World Season 1 content

Detective's Scribbled Notes

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Detective's Scribbled Notes

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Detective's Scribbled Notes is a book found during the Picking Up the Pieces story step.

Story involvement[edit]

Living World Season 1[edit]


Detective's Scribbled Notes

Caught up with Kiel at the bar after they took Mai Trin back to Fort Marriner—that woman can hold down her ale. Our nefarious little pirate named a possible ringleader before her arrest: Scarlet. Might be the hand behind the cleaver. Did a little digging in Divinity's Reach but didn't come up with much (only two Scarlets in the city register, and they're three and eighty-seven years old...doubt we've got our suspect). Kiel's had even less luck getting any meaty intel from Trin.

I've asked a couple contacts to keep an ear open outside of Kryta. Between the incidents in Lion's Arch and the unprovoked attacks to the north, this case smells like a steaming pile of dolyak dung.

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