Sjord Frostfist

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Sjord Frostfist was a male norn of Hoelbrak. In 1319 AE, he and his drunken friends commissioned Eir Stegalkin to craft him a statue in celebration of their soon victory over the Dragonspawn. Originally desiring one of stone, Eir convinced him to carve one of wood, which was cheaper but would "last longer". After the group carried the statue to the center of Hoelbrak, they marched on the Dragonspawns' lair.

Hours later, a storm and swarm of icebrood assaulted Hoelbrak, which happened in retaliation for every time some norn attacked the Dragonspawn. During the siege, Eir saw Sjord's corrupted form, with his face caved in from his battle with the Dragonspawn before his corpse was corrupted into a fresh icebrood, and slew Sjord once and for all.