Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Giant (Exhibit)

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The Giant exhibits are found in the Museum of Curiosities: Hall of Giants. One of these exhibits is the sculpture "Stone Mirror" by the abstract Giant Artist Oorn the Mightier, which was gifted to Mabon. The origin of the other two statues is unknown. These statues are occasionally reanimated by Kryptis magic.


Horn of Maguuma

Event involvement[edit]

Event fist (tango icon).png Defeat the rampaging museum exhibits (80)
  • Giant Stomp - The Giant pounds the ground three times, sending out shockwaves. The first shockwave causes damage and Crippled.png Crippled, the second causes damage and Knockback.png Knockback, and the third causes damage and Knockdown.png Knockdown.
  • Shout - Inflicts Weakness.png Weakness on nearby enemies, then Fear.png Fear after a short delay.
  • Throw Boulder - Ranged attack; the Giant lobs a large rock, causing Knockdown.png Knockdown.
Stolen skills


  • Counts as a Giant for purposes of the Giant Slayer achievement.