Gather harpy glands for Wark's perfume project

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Gather harpy glands for Wark's perfume project

Interactive map

Interactive map

Gather harpy glands for Wark's perfume project is an event in Shattered Palisades. Killing harpies in the area will cause them to drop a Harpy Gland. Players must talk to Wark to start this event.



Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 3,293 Experience.png 230 Karma 53 Copper coin
Silver 2,799 Experience.png 196 Karma 45 Copper coin
Bronze 2,470 Experience.png 173 Karma 40 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 47 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.






Before the event starts
Wark: Anyone care to assist me with a project? An experiment to benefit us all?
During the event
Wark: Harpy glands contain pheromones—strong love potion. Maybe I'll call it Happy Harpy.
Wark: I've concocted many successful elixirs. Ever heard of Devourer Wax? Yes, that was mine.
Wark: Think of all the people out there, longing to improve their love lives. My perfume performs a primary public service.
Wark: Bring me your harpy glands! But keep the claws, beaks, and other assorted parts to yourself.
Wark: It's satisfying to poke the glands. They make this fascinating "squissssh, squissssh" sound.
Wark: We're doing everyone a favor by getting rid of harpies. They're terrible to look at. Eargh!
When enough glands are gathered
Wark: This quantity should suffice for a perfume prototype. Quickly, bring me your remaining glands. I'm getting tired of standing here.
Event success
Wark: The simple elegance of the Eternal Alchemy is that everything has a use. Even harpy glands.
Wark: Off to manifest aromatic magic!
