Escort the PAC-7000 golem along its northern supply route

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Escort the PAC-7000 golem along its northern supply route

Event maps
Escort the PAC-7000 golem along its northern supply route.jpg

Interactive map

Interactive map

Escort the PAC-7000 golem along its northern supply route is a level 71 event in Bramble Pass, Plinth Timberland and Signal Peak.


  • PAC-7000
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Deliveries made: x/4


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 11,613 Experience.png 338 Karma 79 Copper coin
Silver 9,872 Experience.png 287 Karma 67 Copper coin
Bronze 8,710 Experience.png 254 Karma 59 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 71 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.


  1. Event star (tango icon).png Razorslide Bivouac
  2. Event star (tango icon).png The Underbelly
  3. Event star (tango icon).png Pact Field Hospital
  4. Event star (tango icon).png Stentor Cannonade





Event start
Crusader Foehunter: We've got a long, hard road ahead of us. Ya ready?
Tactician Leepa: Provisioned as well as provident. PAC-7000?
PAC-7000: Conveyance–mode–activated. Plotting–safest–delivery–route.
Tactician Leepa: Less prattling, more procession.
PAC-7000: Warning. Attack–imminent. Eastern–flank.
Tactician Leepa: It sure didn't take long for Zhaitan's minions to intercept us.
Crusader Foehunter: Here's more Risen. Cut them down!
Tactician Leepa: More walking dead tracking us.
First delivery
Agent Barend: Ah, Provisions! What do you have for us here?
Crusader Foehunter: Look for yourself, but make it quick. We need to keep moving.
PAC-7000: Prognosticating–obstacles.
Crusader Foehunter: Wait. Your golem can predict hazards we'll face?
Tactician Leepa: I installed a prototype augury device, in order to prevent danger.
PAC-7000: Alert. Enemies–enclosing–position.
Crusader Foehunter: Hold it. We've got Risen on our tails.
PAC-7000: Alert. Hostile–targets–inbound.
Tactician Leepa: More Risen have found us. Arm yourselves!
PAC-7000: Warning. Targets–found–nearby.
Crusader Foehunter: We're surrounded! Grind them back into the dirt.
Second delivery
Explorer Dalta: Ah, nice to see some friendly faces. What have you brought us this time?
Tactician Leepa: See for yourself. We've anticipated your needs and provided for them.
Explorer Dalta: Wait, how could you have known we were out of these?
PAC-7000: Depletion–anticipated. Necessities–supplied.
Crusader Foehunter: Seems like a waste, applying this type of foresight to inventory planning.
Tactician Leepa: I'm accustomed to my brilliance being underutilized.
Crusader Foehunter: What does your magic golem see up ahead for us?
Tactician Leepa: Hopefully, the light at the end of the tunnel.
Crusader Foehunter: I didn't realize that you had a sense of humor.
Tactician Leepa: My sense of humor is at least as dark as this miserable burrow.
Crusader Foehunter: (snort)
PAC-7000: Alert. Additional–hostiles–inbound.
Tactician Leepa: Ambush! Dispense with them.
Crusader Foehunter: More incoming!
Third delivery
Crusader Apaaie: You two couldn't have better timing, though the journey here must have been difficult.
Crusader Foehunter: It was. Take what you need and we'll take the rest to our forces at the Cannonade.
Crusader Apaaie: Amazing. This really is exactly what I needed.
PAC-7000: Contingency–precalculated.
Tactician Leepa: (sigh) Yes, your exigency is our obligation.
Crusader Foehunter: That thing is starting to make my fur stand on end.
PAC-7000: Warning. Targets–incoming.
Tactician Leepa: We're nearly there. Put these undead to rest!
Crusader Foehunter: We're not clear yet. I can smell more coming.
Crusader Foehunter: Take 'em down and we'll sprint for the Cannonade!
Event success
Agent Fellhammer: There you are. I was starting to think you'd run afoul of the Risen on the way.
Tactician Leepa: We anticipated and outmaneuvered those miserable creatures.
Agent Fellhammer: Job well done, soldiers. I hope we'll see each other again soon.
PAC-7000: Subsequent–conjunction–will–occur–in–eighteen–hours–twenty–six–minutes. En–route–Crusader–Foehunter–will–suffer–
Crusader Foehunter: Hey! Spoilers!
Agent Fellhammer: I...see you have a schedule to keep. Good luck on your return trip.
Tactician Leepa: Luck. That's it! I should try installing a probability induction coil to improve your–I mean, our odds.
Crusader Foehunter: I can't decide if you're engineering advantages or tempting fate.


PAC-7000 can become stuck at Signal Peak Waypoint.