Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Dolyak (Exhibit)

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Dolyaks are animals found in the Crystal Desert and the Shiverpeak Mountains. They are often kept and raised for meats and pelts or used as beasts of burden. The Astral Ward often sees the disruption of common predation cycles as a warning sign of arcane instability, and an exhibit has been set up in the Museum of Curiosities to reflect this. This exhibit is occasionally reanimated alongside others by Kryptis magic.


Horn of Maguuma

Event involvement[edit]

Event fist (tango icon).png Defeat the rampaging museum exhibits (80)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Charges Foes

  • Horn Strike Horn Strike - Use your horns to strike the target.
  • Bull's Charge Bull's Charge - Physical. Charge and knock down your foe.
Stolen skills