Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns content

Defend Exalted Sage Manssir as he activates the Thornwatch pylon

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Defend Exalted Sage Manssir as he activates the Thornwatch pylon

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defend Exalted Sage Manssir as he activates the Thornwatch pylon is an event to secure the Morwood Wilds pylon


  • Sage Manssir
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Pylon Activation
  • Event bar empty2.jpg


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.





On event start
Veteran Mordrem Overseer: No mercy! Attack!
Veteran Mordrem Overseer: Attack!
During the event at random
Sage Manssir: That's the last of Morwood's shifting vine gates.
Sage Manssir: The last sapling has been destroyed. I must now activate the Thornwatch .
Sage Manssir: Mordrem, begone!
Sage Manssir: The vines surrounding Thornwatch are receding. Steel your resolve!
Sage Manssir: Keep them away from me!
Sage Manssir: The pylon at Thornwatch will be activated!
Sage Manssir: Keep moving!
Sage Manssir: We must press on!
Sage Manssir: Southwatch is depending on us. We have to get there as quickly as possible.
Sage Manssir: Keep the Mordrem off me. I'm vulnerable while channeling magic into the pylon.
Blademaster Cellona: Pitiful commander, not even you can stop the inevitable. All this will fail!
On event success
Sage Manssir: Her legacy endures. You've done a great deed by helping us activate this enchanted armor.
Sage Manssir: The time has come to return to Southwatch.
Enchanted Armor: Recalling to Southwatch.
Sage Manssir: May Glint's legacy endure.