Bring the caravan to the tower

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Bring the caravan to the tower

Event maps
Bring the caravan to the tower.jpg

The red area is the starting and ending point, while the blue area is the mid point.

Interactive map

Interactive map

Bring the caravan to the tower is a level 56 event that starts in Stromkarl Heights and leads to Nonmoa Lake.

After the watchtower has been defended, Crusader Soma will begin her mission to bring Caravan Guide Willhelm and his two dolyaks back to the tower. Players will escort Soma to a nearby beach; after reviving Kole and Titan, all of the NPCs will begin their trip back to the watchtower, while being heavily attacked by the wildlife. When the event is successful, Willhelm will install mortars around the watchtower.


  • Protect Soma as she searches for the caravan.
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png
  • Defeat the krait slavers. Killed: X/5
  • Resurrect the dolyaks: X/2
  • Caravan Guide Willhelm
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 5,285 Experience.png 270 Karma 63 Copper coin
Silver 4,492 Experience.png 230 Karma 53 Copper coin
Bronze 3,964 Experience.png 203 Karma 47 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 56 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Before the event starts
Captain Protmar: Where's that supply caravan?
Captain Protmar: Vigil Crusader Soma, front and center!
Crusader Soma: Yes, sir.
Captain Protmar: Our supply caravan should've arrived by now. I need you to check on it.
Crusader Soma: I'm on it, sir.
Captain Protmar: Remember, this pass is crawling with threats.
Crusader Soma: Sounds like fun, sir!
Captain Protmar: (chuckle) Good fighting, Crusader.
When Crusdaer Soma kills something
Crusader Soma: I could do this all day!
Once the midpoint has been reached
Crusader Soma: Are you okay? Everything in one piece?
Caravan Guide Willhelm: Yeah, I think so. Thank you.
Crusader Soma: Then let's get moving. The tower is still a ways off.
Caravan Guide Willhelm: Right behind you!


  • After this event has been completed, Willhelm will become a merchant near the tower.