Widget:Find replace robot

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This widget takes as an input:

  1. A list of pages to modify (for which the existing source text will be retrieved),
  2. A list of tab delimited substitutions, with one replacement per line, the original text on the left and replacement on the right.
  3. An edit summary

There are two replace modes:

  • "with interactions" - Example: Original text reads "Apples are good for you". If the first replacement pattern is Apples to Bananas, the sentence then reads "Bananas are good for you". If the second pattern is Bananas to Oranges, the sentence then reads "Oranges are good for you". This is because the original Apples was replaced with Bananas, and subsequently replaced with Oranges.
  • "no interactions" - Example: Original text reads "Apples are good for you". If the first replacement pattern is Apples to Bananas, the sentence then reads "Bananas are good for you". If the second pattern is Bananas to Oranges, the final output sentence for this mode will still read "Bananas are good for you". This is because the original Apples was replaced with a unique numerical identifier, preventing it being subsequently replaced by Oranges.

If you are doing lots of edits, make sure to login to a bot account before using this page.


  • After performing all of the replacement operations, it would be a good idea to purge all of the originally intended pages.