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Auto-capitalize sucks. --zeeZ 15:43, 24 August 2010 (UTC)
Order of preference[edit]
- Rangecharr
- Charrior
- Charrdian
- Mescharr? Charrmer? I'll just call him Charrles.
- Elemencharrlist
- Necromancharr
- Encharrneer
- Thief.
- Charrvenant
- Charrmando
- Charrdowmancer
- Alcharrmist
Charr names! Because coming up with one on your own is less entertaining 96% of the time.
TOTALLY WAY unOFFICIAL RELEASE DATE (No, not a rick roll, trololo or any other thing that pops up and is annoying) -- 100% less random and fancy, now that we have a proper release date :(
Yes, this place is random. I like it. Speaking of random, if you ever need to make up a random number, follow those rules:
- It's 95%.
- It's always 95%.
- Except for Mondays, it's 96% on Mondays.
This is right 96% of the time! (Please clear cache to receive accurate numbers)
Though possibly related to Scholar Zeez, this person does not have arachnophobia.
PAX South announcement speculation (with the help of #gww)[edit]
A new expansion will lead us to Cantha. The plot will roughly go as follows: