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Just was looking over the armors in the pvp viewer. Figured i'd make these and post them on my facebook page. So i'll be editing this from time to time. Dont expect every second when theres a problem ill update. but I'll surely try!

I will be adding in external links and thumbnails directly to the pictures later.

DO NOT steal or use my pictures or content without first asking me. You can contact me in game as Xerö (the alt code is alt + 0246 for my ö). I am aware that the armors have color on them, It shows which parts you can dye as each piece is colored within red white and purple. This isn't to show off my colors for armor, just to show the different armor parts that are 'dye-able'.

Thanks and enjoy!


Visit HERE for a complete showing of the PvP Light Armors in Guild Wars 2.


PvP Acolyte light armor mesmer

PvP Apprentice light armor mesmer

PvP Armageddon light armor mesmer

PvP Acolyte set 2 light armor mesmer

PvP Champion light armor mesmer

PvP Corrupted Orrian light armor mesmer

PvP Dredge light armor mesmer

PvP Flame Legion light armor mesmer

PvP Guild light armor mesmer

PvP Inquest light armor mesmer

PvP Koda light armor mesmer

PvP Nightmare light armor mesmer

PvP Noble light armor mesmer

PvP Outrider light armor mesmer

PvP Priory light armor mesmer

PvP Whispers light armor mesmer

PvP Wizards light armor mesmer

PvP Ascalonian Clergy light armor mesmer

PvP Cabalist light armor mesmer

PvP Conjurer light armor mesmer

PvP Country light armor mesmer

PvP Devout light armor mesmer

PvP Dry Bones light armor mesmer

PvP Embrodiered light armor mesmer

PvP Magician ligh armor mesmer

PvP Masquerade light armor mesmer

PvP Rubric light armor mesmer

PvP Vigil light armor mesmer

PvP Seer Light Armor Mesmer

PvP Stately light armor mesmer

PvP Student light armor mesmer

PvP Tactical light armor mesmer

P.S. Please contact me if you find an error within my links and or images. thanks again! Temporary until we have a website up and running again. Contact me in game if you want to join my guild!