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Introductions and shit. I'm Sean/Walrus/WalrusTusK/Foar Boxxy/whatever. I'm currently a GW player and (hopefully) soon to be GW2 player. This is my page. Once the game comes out, I hope this page will be filled with lovely things like "This user is <variable>" and character pages and opinion pieces and what not. I'm both a PVEer and PVPer, and not too extreme in either aspect.

Characters & Their Futures[edit]

These are my current characters and the plans I have for them, and the plans for future characters. I'll use this as an interesting read in the future, since my altoholicism causes me to remake and reroll so fucking often.

Main Characters

These are the 3 characters I plan on putting the most work into, based on class, race, and name. Between the three of them I'll have all of the orders and pure personality types. Kind of upset that I have double of a race, but not as upset as I would be if I made a Human Guardian, and I'm just not a big fan of Asuran and Charr. Weapons/armor are too small on Asuran, can't show it off, and Charr make a lot of armor look... VERY awkward.

It's to be assumed that across all characters, hitting level 80, 400/400 my professions, and gearing up are part of the plans.

Sean Bomb

Name: Sean Bomb. Stupid real life nickname. Thought it'd be fun to name one of my characters after it, lo and behold, became my favourite character thus far. I guess the 'Bomb' kind of works, since I'm an Engineer.

Race/Profession: Sylvari Engineer. I don't really remember why I chose this combination. I think it was a result of a) didn't want to be a human and b) played the shit out of Norn starting area already, couldn't take it anymore. The result is hilarious. There's nothing better than a plant-person, defender of nature, burning the ever-loving shit out of others with a flamethrower. It's even better when it's other sylvari. There were also some unexpected benefits to this combo: it's one of the least popular race/class combos, and Sylvari elite + Engineer = lotsa turrets.

Preferred weapons: Pistol/Pistol & Flamethrower Kit. Pretty much what I picked Engineer on was I didn't want to be yet ANOTHER Sylvari Thief, but I still wanted pistols. And while I came for the pistols, I stayed for the Flamethrower Kit. Sweet Jesus. This thing is hilarious. And with all the crit triggers that are possible? Even better. I'm probably going to spec this character to be all about the Flamethrower. No regrets.

Crafting: Huntsman & Leatherworker. Self explanatory. Makes both me guns and me armor.

Biography: This character is supposed to be "smart". Going for pure Dignity, joined the Priory, and the rest of the character backstory options were based on being smart or kind. I was a bit unsure about the Priory at first for an Engineer, but when the first quest I took explained that they were more like Indiana Jones, I was totally on board.

Plans: The look of this character will unfortunately come down to what I think looks good, rather than a specific style. On one hand, I want to have all futuristic looking gear, Asuran cultural weapons and all that jazz, a sort of 'eco friendly' technology. On the other hand, I also really like the look of the sylvari guns and armor, an interesting fusion of tech + nature. What really throws a wrench in this plan is the fact that weapon kits and turrets don't look like either of these, they're very steampunky no matter what. I suppose if I ever had a utility bar of no turrets and weapon kits I could stick to a style, but that's severely restricting myself.

Lixia Blemeaux

Name: Lixia Blemeaux. My first 20 in Guild Wars was named Lixia Blemeaux, so I thought it only fitting to carry the name over. Lixia's one of the primary female names I use in MMO's, it's a Chinese name as far as I know (supposed to be written as Li Xia, I'd guess). The last name I just thought was nice, one of the Four Horsemen from WoW had the last name Blaumeux and I just transplanted that over. A Chinese-French name for a nordic race seemed 100% appropriate and not silly at all.

Race/Profession: Norn Necromancer. The Necromancer was, of course, the first profession I played in Guild Wars 1, though I changed pretty fast. I didn't think I'd like the necromancers of Guild Wars 2 much either, until I saw that they have a shit ton of self healing and are at least half-decent in melee. I picked Norn simply for aesthetics, looks like a human, but not as overpopulated.

Preferred weapons: Dagger, Sceptre, Focus: All the combinations possible. I thought I was going to be axe exclusive, until I actually used the axe. It's more of a ranged weapon, which was odd, whatever, but it was also... Kinda boring. Dagger, on the other hand, is awesome. Super fast attacks, lots of conditions, lifestealing, all that good stuff. Sceptre and Focus were a bit of surprise, I didn't think they'd be as much fun as they are, but the bouncing vuln/regen and undead hands shooting out of the ground are awesome.

Crafting: Artificer & Tailor. Same thing. Makes some of the weapons I use, and all of the armor.

Biography: This is the sneaky character. Order of Whispers, Charming, Snow Leopard, uses daggers. I imagined her as a sort of magic-using Thief character, and its been working out great so far.

Plans: I aim for this character to look as medium/heavy armor-ish as possible, without actually being medium armor. Any long coat, hood, or plating, and it'll peak my interest. I want them to either look like a sneaky thief or a well-defended front-liner... Even if they don't stand up to punishment as well as they do.

Walrus Tusk

Name: Walrus Tusk. The account name, the name I thought would be my main. This name has already changed hands 3 times: Norn Ranger, Charr Ranger, Charr Warrior, and now onto the Sylvari Guardian. Let's see if this one will stand the test of time.

Race/Profession: Sylvari Guardian. I originally intended this character to be a HUMAN Guardian, but then after making Sean Bomb, and hating humans, I fell in love with the idea of a Sylvari Guardian. I didn't want a buff and bulky guardian, I wanted a skinny and fast one. I just loved the idea of a heroic looking knight, and I also love magic-using, heavily armoured characters. I wouldn't be surprised if I eventually main guardian. The only thing that stopped me from doing that is my best friend didn't want to be the same thing as me. Oh well.

Preferred weapons: Sword/Shield & Staff. These are both ideals for the future, not fact. Aesthetically, these are my favourites. We'll see what the future ACTUALLY holds, however.

Crafting: Weaponsmithing & Armor Smithing. Make weapons, make armor. Nothing fun here.

Biography: The adventurous, barbaric one. Ferocious, Vigil, born during the Day. A mix of dignity and ferocity would probably work better, but I want my 3 mains to be "pure" personalities, as stupid as that sounds.

Plans: I have two entirely separate looks in mind for this character. One is simply a warrior of the Vigil, Vigil armor and probably Seraph weapons. The other is a sort of contender to the Green Knight, Sylvari cultural armor and weapons.

To Do[edit]

  • Human Engineer
  • Asuran Guardian
  • Charr Elementalist