User:Tery3065/Template:Decorations table

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Item Estimated Cost Appearance
Black Lion Plush Bear Head Pal Recipe.png Plush Bear Head Pal

(Learned from: Black Lion Plush Bear Head Pal Recipe)

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
10 Refined Homestead Fiber.pngRefined Homestead Fiber ... ...
10 Refined Homestead Wood.pngRefined Homestead Wood ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Plush Bear Head Pal.jpg
Black Lion Plush Bird Pal Recipe.png Plush Bird Pal

(Learned from: Black Lion Plush Bird Pal Recipe)

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
10 Refined Homestead Fiber.pngRefined Homestead Fiber ... ...
10 Refined Homestead Wood.pngRefined Homestead Wood ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Plush Bird Pal.jpg
Black Lion Plush Choya Pal Recipe.png Plush Choya Pal

(Learned from: Black Lion Plush Choya Pal Recipe)

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
10 Refined Homestead Fiber.pngRefined Homestead Fiber ... ...
10 Refined Homestead Wood.pngRefined Homestead Wood ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Plush Choya Pal.jpg
Black Lion Plush Quaggan Pal Recipe.png Plush Quaggan Pal

(Learned from: Black Lion Plush Quaggan Pal Recipe)

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
10 Refined Homestead Fiber.pngRefined Homestead Fiber ... ...
10 Refined Homestead Wood.pngRefined Homestead Wood ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Plush Quaggan Pal.jpg
Wayfinder's Versatile Table Decoration.png Wayfinder's Versatile Table Decoration

(Learned from: Wayfinder's Versatile Table Recipe)

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
10 Refined Homestead Wood.pngRefined Homestead Wood ... ...
10 Refined Homestead Metal.pngRefined Homestead Metal ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Kodan Crystal Candle.png Kodan Crystal Candle

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
26 Refined Homestead Metal.pngRefined Homestead Metal ... ...
2 Charged Sliver.pngCharged Fragment ... ...
8 Lowland Pine Log.pngLowland Pine Log ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Kodan Crystal Candle.jpg
Kodan Decorative Torch.png Kodan Decorative Torch

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
26 Refined Homestead Fiber.pngRefined Homestead Fiber ... ...
2 Molten Fragment.pngMolten Fragment ... ...
6 Honey Flower.pngHoney Flower ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Kodan Decorative Torch.jpg
Kodan Dining Chair.png Kodan Dining Chair

(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Benches, Chairs, Stools)

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
26 Refined Homestead Wood.pngRefined Homestead Wood ... ...
1 Tub of Wood Glue.pngTub of Wood Glue ... ...
10 Lowland Pine Log.pngLowland Pine Log ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Kodan Dining Chair.jpg
Kodan Fancy Bed.png Kodan Fancy Bed

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
28 Refined Homestead Wood.pngRefined Homestead Wood ... ...
18 Wool Scrap.pngWool Scrap ... ...
15 Honey Flower.pngHoney Flower ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Kodan Fancy Bed.jpg
Kodan Sink.png Kodan Sink

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
31 Refined Homestead Metal.pngRefined Homestead Metal ... ...
18 Rotted Titan Amber.pngRotted Titan Amber ... ...
2 Bag of Flour.pngBag of Mortar ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Kodan Sink.jpg
Kodan Woodsy Cabinet.png Kodan Woodsy Cabinet

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
30 Refined Homestead Wood.pngRefined Homestead Wood ... ...
4 Evergreen Shard.pngEvergreen Shard ... ...
10 Lowland Pine Log.pngLowland Pine Log ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Kodan Woodsy Cabinet.jpg
Kodan Woodsy Dining Table.png Kodan Woodsy Dining Table

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
32 Refined Homestead Wood.pngRefined Homestead Wood ... ...
7 Intricate Totem.pngIntricate Totem ... ...
10 Lowland Pine Log.pngLowland Pine Log ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Kodan Woodsy Dining Table.jpg
Kodan Woodsy Trunk.png Kodan Woodsy Trunk

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
27 Refined Homestead Wood.pngRefined Homestead Wood ... ...
10 Lowland Pine Log.pngLowland Pine Log ... ...
16 Thick Leather Section.pngThick Leather Section ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Kodan Woodsy Trunk.jpg
Kodan Fancy Bed.png Traditional Kodan Bed

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
30 Refined Homestead Wood.pngRefined Homestead Wood ... ...
20 Wool Scrap.pngWool Scrap ... ...
10 Honey Flower.pngHoney Flower ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Traditional Kodan Bed.jpg
f-tns, f-jw
Broken Square Pillar.png Broken Square Pillar

(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Pillars)

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
24 Refined Homestead Metal.pngRefined Homestead Metal ... ...
1 Destroyer Sliver.pngDestroyer Sliver ... ...
1 Bag of Flour.pngBag of Mortar ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Broken Square Pillar.jpg
Chunk of the Solid Ocean.png Chunk of the Solid Ocean

(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Solid Ocean Fractal)

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
5 Refined Homestead Metal.pngRefined Homestead Metal ... ...
5 Fractal Relic.pngFractal Relic ... ...
1 Writ of Dragon's End.pngWrit of Dragon's End ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Chunk of the Solid Ocean.jpg
Crooked Mushroom.png Crooked Mushroom

(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Plants, Volume 1)

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
4 Refined Homestead Fiber.pngRefined Homestead Fiber ... ...
2 Mordrem Fragment.pngMordrem Fragment ... ...
1 Delicious Cave Spore.pngGiant Mushroom Spore ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Crooked Mushroom.jpg
Deep Pot.png Deep Pot

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
24 Refined Homestead Metal.pngRefined Homestead Metal ... ...
10 Ursus Oblige.pngUrsus Oblige ... ...
2 Thin Leather Section.pngThin Leather Section ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Deep Pot.jpg
Festival Tent.png Festival Tent

(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Misc. Items, Volume 1)

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
30 Refined Homestead Fiber.pngRefined Homestead Fiber ... ...
2 Thick Leather Section.pngThick Leather Section ... ...
12 Silk Scrap.pngSilk Scrap ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Festival Tent.jpg
Keg (decoration).png Keg

(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Misc. Items, Volume 1)

Quantity Material Buy price (each) Material cost
25 Refined Homestead Wood.pngRefined Homestead Wood ... ...
25 Fresh Winterberry.pngFresh Winterberry ... ...
25 Stein of Hunter's Ale.pngStein of Hearty Ale ... ...
Total crafting cost ...

Keg (decoration).jpg

... further results

 Requires disciplineRequires ratingHas ingredientHas output quantityHas item data objectLearned from recipe sheetHas recipe idHas canonical nameHas decoration categoryHas decoration type
Plush Bear Head Pal#recipe1Handiworker01 (10, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (10, Refined Homestead Wood)
1Plush Bear Head PalBlack Lion Plush Bear Head Pal Recipe14902Plush Bear Head Pal
Plush Bird Pal#recipe1Handiworker01 (10, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (10, Refined Homestead Wood)
1Plush Bird PalBlack Lion Plush Bird Pal Recipe14907Plush Bird Pal
Plush Choya Pal#recipe1Handiworker01 (10, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (10, Refined Homestead Wood)
1Plush Choya PalBlack Lion Plush Choya Pal Recipe14900Plush Choya Pal
Plush Quaggan Pal#recipe1Handiworker01 (10, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (10, Refined Homestead Wood)
1Plush Quaggan PalBlack Lion Plush Quaggan Pal Recipe14904Plush Quaggan Pal
Wayfinder's Versatile Table Decoration#recipe1Handiworker01 (10, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (10, Refined Homestead Metal)
1Wayfinder's Versatile Table DecorationWayfinder's Versatile Table Recipe14883Wayfinder's Versatile Table Decoration
Kodan Crystal Candle#recipe1Handiworker11 (26, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (2, Charged Fragment)
3 (8, Lowland Pine Log)
1Kodan Crystal Candle14794Kodan Crystal Candle
Kodan Decorative Torch#recipe1Handiworker11 (26, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (2, Molten Fragment)
3 (6, Honey Flower)
1Kodan Decorative Torch14120Kodan Decorative Torch
Kodan Dining Chair#recipe1Handiworker11 (26, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (1, Tub of Wood Glue)
3 (10, Lowland Pine Log)
1Kodan Dining ChairHomestead Recipe Book: Benches, Chairs, Stools14109Kodan Dining Chair
Kodan Fancy Bed#recipe1Handiworker11 (28, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (18, Wool Scrap)
3 (15, Honey Flower)
1Kodan Fancy Bed14366Kodan Fancy Bed
Kodan Sink#recipe1Handiworker11 (31, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (18, Rotted Titan Amber)
3 (2, Bag of Mortar)
1Kodan Sink14409Kodan Sink
Kodan Woodsy Cabinet#recipe1Handiworker11 (30, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (4, Evergreen Shard)
3 (10, Lowland Pine Log)
1Kodan Woodsy Cabinet14691Kodan Woodsy Cabinet
Kodan Woodsy Dining Table#recipe1Handiworker11 (32, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (7, Intricate Totem)
3 (10, Lowland Pine Log)
1Kodan Woodsy Dining Table14174Kodan Woodsy Dining Table
Kodan Woodsy Trunk#recipe1Handiworker11 (27, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (10, Lowland Pine Log)
3 (4, Cured Thick Leather Square)
1Kodan Woodsy Trunk14349Kodan Woodsy Trunk
Traditional Kodan Bed#recipe1Handiworker11 (30, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (20, Wool Scrap)
3 (10, Honey Flower)
1Traditional Kodan Bed14238Traditional Kodan BedTable and seating
Janthir Wilds
Broken Square Pillar (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (24, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (1, Destroyer Sliver)
3 (1, Bag of Mortar)
1Broken Square Pillar (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Pillars14889Broken Square Pillar (Handiwork)
Chunk of the Solid Ocean (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (5, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (5, Fractal Relic)
3 (1, Writ of Dragon's End)
1Chunk of the Solid Ocean (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Solid Ocean Fractal14724Chunk of the Solid Ocean (Handiwork)
Crooked Mushroom (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (4, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (2, Mordrem Fragment)
3 (1, Giant Mushroom Spore)
1Crooked Mushroom (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Plants, Volume 114344Crooked Mushroom (Handiwork)
Deep Pot#recipe1Handiworker751 (24, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (10, Ursus Oblige)
3 (2, Thin Leather Section)
1Deep Pot14450Deep Pot
Festival Tent (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (30, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (4, Bolt of Silk)
3 (2, Thick Leather Section)
1Festival Tent (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Misc. Items, Volume 114312Festival Tent (Handiwork)
Keg (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (25, Refined Homestead Wood)
3 (25, Fresh Winterberry)
2 (25, Stein of Hearty Ale)
1Keg (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Misc. Items, Volume 114707Keg (Handiwork)
Kodan Decorative Wardrobe#recipe1Handiworker751 (30, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (10, Lowland Pine Log)
3 (1, Tub of Wood Glue)
1Kodan Decorative Wardrobe14541Kodan Decorative Wardrobe
Kodan Joined Wooden Divider#recipe1Handiworker751 (26, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (5, Silk Scrap)
3 (12, Lowland Pine Log)
1Kodan Joined Wooden Divider14451Kodan Joined Wooden Divider
Kodan Kitchen Hearth#recipe1Handiworker751 (32, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (5, Molten Core)
3 (24, Charged Titan Ore)
1Kodan Kitchen Hearth14764Kodan Kitchen Hearth
Kodan Soup Kettle#recipe1Handiworker751 (26, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (6, Lowland Pine Log)
3 (5, Slab of Red Meat)
1Kodan Soup Kettle14594Kodan Soup Kettle
Kodan Swirl Rug#recipe1Handiworker751 (24, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (5, Rugged Leather Section)
3 (8, Honey Flower)
1Kodan Swirl RugHomestead Recipe Book: Rugs14514Kodan Swirl Rug
Kodan Timber Stool#recipe1Handiworker751 (25, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (8, Rugged Leather Section)
3 (6, Honey Flower)
1Kodan Timber Stool14173Kodan Timber Stool
Kodan Vanity#recipe1Handiworker751 (27, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (12, Cured Rugged Leather Square)
3 (8, Lowland Pine Log)
1Kodan Vanity14713Kodan Vanity
Kodan Woodsy Armchair#recipe1Handiworker751 (32, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (12, Cotton Scrap)
3 (15, Honey Flower)
1Kodan Woodsy ArmchairHomestead Recipe Book: Benches, Chairs, Stools14655Kodan Woodsy Armchair
Kournan Brazier (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (26, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (10, Lump of Mistonium)
3 (10, Trade Contract)
1Kournan Brazier (Handiwork)14198Kournan Brazier (Handiwork)
Mushroom (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (3, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (2, Mordrem Sliver)
1Mushroom (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Plants, Volume 114311Mushroom (Handiwork)
Obstacle: Blue Torch (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (5, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (5, Pouch of Blue Pigment)
3 (2, Ley Line Crystal)
1Obstacle: Blue Torch (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Guild Arena14460Obstacle: Blue Torch (Handiwork)
Obstacle: Green Torch (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (5, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (5, Pouch of Green Pigment)
3 (2, Ley Line Crystal)
1Obstacle: Green Torch (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Guild Arena14677Obstacle: Green Torch (Handiwork)
Obstacle: Purple Torch (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (5, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (5, Pouch of Purple Pigment)
3 (2, Ley Line Crystal)
1Obstacle: Purple Torch (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Guild Arena14457Obstacle: Purple Torch (Handiwork)
Obstacle: Red Torch (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (5, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (5, Pouch of Red Pigment)
3 (2, Ley Line Crystal)
1Obstacle: Red Torch (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Guild Arena14692Obstacle: Red Torch (Handiwork)
Obstacle: Wall (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (3, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (4, Copper Ore)
1Obstacle: Wall (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Guild Arena14680Obstacle: Wall (Handiwork)
Obstacle: White Torch (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (5, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (5, Pouch of White Pigment)
3 (2, Ley Line Crystal)
1Obstacle: White Torch (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Guild Arena14800Obstacle: White Torch (Handiwork)
Potted Jungle Grass (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (25, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (1, Jungle Grass Seed)
3 (1, Mordrem Fragment)
1Potted Jungle Grass (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Plants, Volume 114235Potted Jungle Grass (Handiwork)
Potted Junglerice (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (24, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (1, Jungle Grass Seed)
3 (1, Mordrem Fragment)
1Potted Junglerice (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Plants, Volume 114239Potted Junglerice (Handiwork)
Potted Night Thistle Bud (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (27, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (1, Mordrem Fragment)
3 (10, Leaf Fossil)
1Potted Night Thistle Bud (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Plants, Volume 114202Potted Night Thistle Bud (Handiwork)
Potted Shrub (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (25, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (3, Evergreen Sliver)
3 (10, Pile of Coarse Sand)
1Potted Shrub (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Plants, Volume 114253Potted Shrub (Handiwork)
Steel Pan#recipe1Handiworker751 (23, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (10, Ursus Oblige)
3 (5, Jar of Vegetable Oil)
1Steel Pan14596Steel Pan
Utensil Rack#recipe1Handiworker751 (23, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (3, Onyx Sliver)
3 (20, Ursus Oblige)
1Utensil Rack14249Utensil Rack
Weathered Elonian Column (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker751 (22, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (5, Trade Contract)
3 (5, Ley-Infused Sand)
1Weathered Elonian Column (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Elonian Architecture14112Weathered Elonian Column (Handiwork)
Armor Stand (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (30, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (5, Armored Scale)
3 (3, Blade Shard)
1Armor Stand (Handiwork)14784Armor Stand (Handiwork)
Basic Basket (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (25, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (5, Cotton Scrap)
1Basic Basket (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Basic Decorations14872Basic Basket (Handiwork)
Basic Bookshelf (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (26, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (1, Tub of Wood Glue)
1Basic Bookshelf (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Basic Decorations14271Basic Bookshelf (Handiwork)
Basic Candle (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (2, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (3, Bone Shard)
3 (1, Molten Sliver)
1Basic Candle (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Basic Decorations14126Basic Candle (Handiwork)
Basic Chair (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (26, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (5, Thin Leather Section)
1Basic Chair (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Basic Decorations14577Basic Chair (Handiwork)
Basic Column (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (24, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (1, Bag of Mortar)
3 (5, Geode)
1Basic Column (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Misc. Items, Volume 214319Basic Column (Handiwork)
Basic Crate (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (25, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (5, Small Fang)
1Basic Crate (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Basic Decorations14292Basic Crate (Handiwork)
Basic Pedestal (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (22, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (50, Karma)
3 (1, Bag of Mortar)
1Basic Pedestal (Handiwork)Recipe: Basic Pedestal14785Basic Pedestal (Handiwork)
Basic Planter (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (24, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (2, Onyx Sliver)
3 (5, Pile of Coarse Sand)
1Basic Planter (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Basic Decorations14284Basic Planter (Handiwork)
Basic Shrub (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (22, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (1, Mordrem Sliver)
3 (1, Brick of Clay)
1Basic Shrub (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Basic Decorations14481Basic Shrub (Handiwork)
Basic Table (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (28, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (1, Tub of Wood Glue)
1Basic Table (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Basic Decorations14770Basic Table (Handiwork)
Basic Torch (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (24, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (8, Wool Scrap)
3 (1, Molten Sliver)
1Basic Torch (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Basic Decorations14733Basic Torch (Handiwork)
Basic Tree (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1502 (1, Evergreen Fragment)
3 (1, Brick of Clay)
1 (23, Refined Homestead Wood)
1Basic Tree (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Basic Decorations14272Basic Tree (Handiwork)
Block of the Solid Ocean (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (26, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (8, Fractal Relic)
3 (1, Writ of Dragon's End)
1Block of the Solid Ocean (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Solid Ocean Fractal14111Block of the Solid Ocean (Handiwork)
Block Topiary (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (34, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (2, Onyx Lodestone)
3 (50, Volatile Magic)
1Block Topiary (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Plants, Volume 214189Block Topiary (Handiwork)
Blue Balloon (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (2, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (3, Pouch of Blue Pigment)
3 (1, Spool of Linen Thread)
1Blue Balloon (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Balloons14648Blue Balloon (Handiwork)
Blue Cushion (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (22, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (5, Bolt of Cotton)
3 (5, Pouch of Blue Pigment)
1Blue Cushion (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Cushions14148Blue Cushion (Handiwork)
Broken Sandstone Pillar (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (4, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (10, Pile of Coarse Sand)
3 (1, Bag of Mortar)
1Broken Sandstone Pillar (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Pillars14536Broken Sandstone Pillar (Handiwork)
Campfire (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (24, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (2, Molten Fragment)
1Campfire (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Lights14521Campfire (Handiwork)
Ceramic Planter (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (25, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (10, Bone Chip)
3 (1, Bag of Mortar)
1Ceramic Planter (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Plants, Volume 114345Ceramic Planter (Handiwork)
Charr Statue (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (30, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (5, Superior Rune of the Citadel)
3 (24, Hatched Chili)
1Charr Statue (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Statues14613Charr Statue (Handiwork)
Crystal Block of the Solid Ocean (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (28, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (10, Fractal Relic)
3 (1, Writ of Dragon's End)
1Crystal Block of the Solid Ocean (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Solid Ocean Fractal14260Crystal Block of the Solid Ocean (Handiwork)
Distressed Lion Statue (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (27, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (17, Sharp Claw)
3 (1, Bag of Mortar)
1Distressed Lion Statue (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Statues14849Distressed Lion Statue (Handiwork)
Elonian Cairn Stones (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (26, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (20, Ley-Infused Sand)
3 (30, Volatile Magic)
1Elonian Cairn Stones (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Misc. Items, Volume 114229Elonian Cairn Stones (Handiwork)
Elonian Lattice (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (3, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (5, Trade Contract)
3 (2, Inscribed Shard)
1Elonian Lattice (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Elonian Architecture14220Elonian Lattice (Handiwork)
Elonian Railing (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (3, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (4, Eye of Kormir)
3 (2, Quartz Crystal)
1Elonian Railing (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Elonian Architecture14178Elonian Railing (Handiwork)
Elonian Wood Chair (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (28, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (10, Quartz Crystal)
3 (5, Elegy Mosaic)
1Elonian Wood Chair (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Benches, Chairs, Stools14801Elonian Wood Chair (Handiwork)
Elonian Wood Table (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (26, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (10, Trade Contract)
3 (5, Elegy Mosaic)
1Elonian Wood Table (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Tables14517Elonian Wood Table (Handiwork)
Fire Circle (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (30, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (1, Molten Core)
3 (20, Totem)
1Fire Circle (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Lights14420Fire Circle (Handiwork)
Fuchsia Balloon (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (2, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (3, Pouch of White Pigment)
3 (1, Spool of Linen Thread)
1Fuchsia Balloon (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Balloons14830Fuchsia Balloon (Handiwork)
Green Balloon (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (2, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (3, Pouch of Green Pigment)
3 (1, Spool of Linen Thread)
1Green Balloon (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Balloons14751Green Balloon (Handiwork)
Green Cushion (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (22, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (5, Bolt of Cotton)
3 (5, Pouch of Green Pigment)
1Green Cushion (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Cushions14861Green Cushion (Handiwork)
Griffon Statue (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (30, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (8, Topaz Lump)
3 (10, Large Claw)
1Griffon Statue (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Statues14510Griffon Statue (Handiwork)
Guild Bench (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (25, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (6, Linen Scrap)
3 (2, Smooth Scale)
1Guild Bench (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Benches, Chairs, Stools14593Guild Bench
Guild Chair (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (27, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (8, Engraved Totem)
3 (1, Vial of Linseed Oil)
1Guild Chair (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Benches, Chairs, Stools14645Guild Chair (Handiwork)
Guild Initiative Banner (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (34, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (3, Guild Commendation)
3 (20, Totem)
1Guild Initiative Banner (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Misc. Items, Volume 214857Guild Initiative Banner (Handiwork)
Keg Rack (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (33, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (75, Stein of Hearty Ale)
3 (5, Glacial Shard)
1Keg Rack (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Misc. Items, Volume 114247Keg Rack (Handiwork)
Kodan Cottage Wall#recipe1Handiworker1501 (3, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (4, Claw)
3 (5, Lowland Pine Log)
1Kodan Cottage Wall14762Kodan Cottage Wall
Kodan Cottage Wall (Pillar)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (2, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (2, Fang)
3 (4, Lowland Pine Log)
1Kodan Cottage Wall (Pillar)14836Kodan Cottage Wall (Pillar)
Kodan Cottage Wall (Small)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (4, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (4, Fang)
3 (6, Lowland Pine Log)
1Kodan Cottage Wall (Small)14687Kodan Cottage Wall (Small)
Kodan Hero Statue#recipe1Handiworker1501 (32, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (10, Rotted Titan Amber)
3 (16, Large Claw)
1Kodan Hero Statue14314Kodan Hero Statue
Kodan Ivory Couch#recipe1Handiworker1501 (34, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (15, Cotton Scrap)
3 (20, Honey Flower)
1Kodan Ivory Couch14681Kodan Ivory Couch
Kodan Lantern#recipe1Handiworker1501 (25, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (2, Linen Scrap)
3 (8, Charged Titan Ore)
1Kodan Lantern14263Kodan Lantern
Kodan Painting#recipe1Handiworker1501 (25, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (5, Honey Flower)
3 (6, Pouch of Red Pigment)
1Kodan Painting14679Kodan Painting
Kodan Rocky Fireplace#recipe1Handiworker1501 (35, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (5, Molten Core)
3 (15, Rotted Titan Amber)
1Kodan Rocky Fireplace14135Kodan Rocky Fireplace
Kodan Table Setting#recipe1Handiworker1501 (25, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (4, Linen Scrap)
3 (5, Lowland Pine Log)
1Kodan Table Setting14355Kodan Table Setting
Kodan Woodsy Cabinet (Tall)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (33, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (6, Evergreen Shard)
3 (16, Lowland Pine Log)
1Kodan Woodsy Cabinet (Tall)14222Kodan Woodsy Cabinet (Tall)
Kodan Writing Desk#recipe1Handiworker1501 (32, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (11, Cured Thick Leather Square)
3 (12, Lowland Pine Log)
1Kodan Writing Desk14190Kodan Writing Desk
Large Festival Tent (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (36, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (8, Bolt of Silk)
3 (4, Thick Leather Section)
1Large Festival Tent (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Misc. Items, Volume 114557Large Festival Tent (Handiwork)
Lattice Planter (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (30, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (2, Onyx Shard)
3 (1, Tub of Wood Glue)
1Lattice Planter (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Plants, Volume 114662Lattice Planter (Handiwork)
Lion Statue (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (29, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (20, Sharp Claw)
3 (1, Bag of Mortar)
1Lion Statue (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Statues14690Lion Statue (Handiwork)
Marriner Statue (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (28, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (20, Blade Shard)
3 (20, Bandit Crest)
1Marriner Statue (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Statues14371Marriner Statue (Handiwork)
Obstacle: Fan Trap (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (32, Refined Homestead Metal)
2 (4, Watchwork Sprocket)
3 (5, Airship Part)
1Obstacle: Fan Trap (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Guild Arena14750Obstacle: Fan Trap (Handiwork)
Obstacle: Tall Wall#recipe1Handiworker1501 (4, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (5, Iron Ore)
1Obstacle: Tall WallHomestead Recipe Book: Guild Arena14548Obstacle: Tall Wall
Obstacle: Wide Wall (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (4, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (2, Iron Ingot)
1Obstacle: Wide Wall (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Guild Arena14336Obstacle: Wide Wall (Handiwork)
Orange Balloon (Handiwork)#recipe1Handiworker1501 (2, Refined Homestead Fiber)
2 (3, Pouch of Orange Pigment)
3 (1, Spool of Linen Thread)
1Orange Balloon (Handiwork)Homestead Recipe Book: Balloons14309Orange Balloon (Handiwork)
Planter Box#recipe1Handiworker1501 (26, Refined Homestead Wood)
2 (15, Honey Flower)
3 (2, Large Bone)
1Planter Box14313Planter Box
... further results