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Hey my nickname is Rai. You can call me that or by my real name, Riley. I am a guy at the age of 16 as I'm typing this. I am about 5'8"-5'9", varies day to day. I am ~185 lbs. mostly muscle, some fat. I have blue eyes and sandy colored hair. I am a white guy but please no racism on my talk about me, Blacks, Asians, other Whites, or any other race on earth. I am strongly anti-racist. I am pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, and overall a strong conservative. I do not let my beliefs blind me from understanding other peoples point of view. Rather I actually try my hardest to step out of what I believe so I can get a better understanding of how and why others think the way they do. Okay now to wrap this up, I am a student at Patterson Career Center in Dayton, Ohio. I will be attending Ponitz CTC next school year. I am a sophomore and I am already on the Ponitz Soccer team. I am class of 2011 and I'm proud of it. If you wanna talk about anything just post something on my talk page and I'll respond when I get the chance to check up on it.

Anyways I think that's enough with myself :P But I play GW1 and I have Guild Wars: Prophecies and Guild Wars: Nightfall. I plan on buying Guild Wars: Factions and the expansion Guild Wars: Eye of the North. I definitely, without doubt or regret, plan on buying Guild Wars 2, which I predict will probably be one of the best selling games in the world for awhile, or until Diablo 3 comes out :| but that'll be awhile cause they just started the project not long ago. I have a few characters on my current account, my mains are: Rai The Earthen One (-Lvl20-Warrior/Monk), and Holy Dervish Rai (-Lvl18-Dervish/Monk),the others would be: Rai Deaths Envoy (-Lvl10-Necromancer/Monk), Kree The Masticator(-Lvl3-Ranger {Influenced by a friend :P}), Rai The Stone(-Lvl3-Elementalist) Be more than welcome to add me and talk to me but I will not be on for a short/midterm while because of recent moving arrangements that have left me with a lack of a capable computer. I will soon be working on buying a laptop to use and I will, at that time, be back on at a semi-regular basis. I plan on maxing my dervish then working on my necromancer. Also any advice, builds, tips, donations, etc. will be much gladly accepted.