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This is the account of Youtube & Twitch user R.SENAL or R_SENAL. I started playing GW2 during Living World Season 3 and between then and now (Nov 2022) the account has logged around 13.6K hours played and most PVE achievements completed.

MY Youtube contains the following channel description: "Rob carefully handcrafts content from only the finest of available sources, selflessly refined into the spastic diatribes he designs from the debris one might find whilst wandering the roads of life. He thus imparts from his heart the resulting Arsenal of ideas via the prism of wisdom that's been tempered by steel, sharpened on the wheel, and bespoke with his occasional ax to grind."

I am co-owner of a small Guild with my wife: AYS (At Your Service), which seeks to help people whenever possible with learning where to go and what to do for various rewards. We have a Hall we proudly claimed with just the 2 of us and have just between the 2 of us leveled it up to 50 so far.

In game my main character is a Reaper named Sedna Arnapkapfaluk, but in truth I play all professions and Elite specs (except Druid).