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Most recent meeting[edit]

Notes from guild meeting on 3rd/4th November

- Colton will organise a Guild PvP Tournament for all who are interested. Entry fee is 1-2 gold and competitors can sort out fight times to their own suitibility and those interested can spectate. Winners receive 40% of the entry fee prize pool and the remaining 60% is allocated to guild influence.

- Results of tournaments are to be mailed to Colton if he does not attend the competition.

- Colton will organise a map PvE race which no free entry fee and the prizes are crafted/donated by guild members

- Thank you Colton :)

- Missions and dungeons will alternate each week after guild meetings (Saturday 6PM server time)


- Alex (Inkran) has been demoted to Senior Member due to absence

- Mat (Ellohym) has been promoted to Senoir Member

- Colton (Quinn the Archer) has been promoted to Council Member

- Scott (Rezriac) has been promoted to Leader.

Congratulations to everyone for a successful and productive meeting and well done on all promotions :)

Notes from guild meeting on 26th/27th October[edit]

Membership 1.Every major patch, leaders will email non-reppers and AFK members to ask them if they still want to be members of the guild and act accordingly.

2. To be promoted from member to senior member, discuss your reasons with an officer. To be promoted higher than senior member, message a leader and then your rank will be discussed at the next guild meeting.

3. Votes will be taken amongst the leaders and officers before any members are demoted. There must be an 80% rate of agreement for the decision to be put into action.


1. Ally rank has been removed because we have connections to other guilds via members.

2. Officers will keep leaders up-to-date about issues in the guild.

3. Officers can now activate upgrades and claim/unclaim WvW forts

4. Rezria has been promoted to Officer rank. Congratulations =)


1. Art of War level V is building.

2. Guild bounty missions have been scheduled for Saturday 6pm, server time.

User Purpuruple OctMeeting.png