“I shall die so you may live...
— Esme
Esme has known nothing but the Order of Vain since her birth in 1490 DR. She was born to Bringer Sorin and Transcendé Thora in the medical wing of the order's guild hall. As soon as she was old enough to pick up a sword she was taught the ways of the order. Esme was isolated from her mother in order to break off all ties to a family and Sorin was anything but a father to Esme.
Esme underwent the Ritual when she was just 13. She rose through the ranks quickly and became a Transcendé when she was 16. She was promoted to Bringer when her father died when she was 23... she has been the head bringer ever since.
Present Day[edit]
Esme continues to enforce all of her father's policies throughout the Order. Just as her father was, she is most concerned with the expansion of the guild and its independence from the nation of Kryta. As of late, Esme has been heavily involved in political debates with the Krytan government (and the queen) as to the future of the guild in Kryta.