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Log-In Client and Character Selection

-The patches/download client is very fluid and simple. Remove the auto-run button and just make the user click play once they are ready to play. Works well, no changes besides the removal of the auto-play tick.

-The Log-In Screen is very nice and clean, do not change this at all. However, when entering the password and choosing the option “store password,” the password is stored but incorrectly displayed upon recurring log-ins.

-Remove the Chroma Hash. It server no purpose other than to show if the password is right, and the only upside is countered by the only downside… it makes it slightly easier for people to investigate or guess the password, unless you guys have implemented a unique system.

-Upon trying to log-in to the character selection, there is a 10-30 second delay. After clicking enter or log-in, the client does not respond, tricking the user into thinking something went wrong. Then suddenly, the message “connecting…” appears. Show this message immediately.

-The character selection is excellent, but change the background depending on race, profession, or location. It currently feels somewhat bland, but it does it’s job well.

-Allow players to simply go straight to character selection, do not force a player to log-out first.

-Sometimes there is a delay upon selecting a character and choosing play. Again, see log-in delay issue.

-Remove the music, it interferes with the music of the setting or area of choice. ———————————————————————————————— Servers

-Ensure that major changes are made in server preparations. The crashes during the initial launch could have been foreseen, ensure enough servers exist to handle the capacity of players and requests/pings.

-Remove the ‘overflow’ system. It causes less players to exist in zones, and confuses overall layout. Whilst it could be solved by bringing back a zone based ‘district system,’ it may be easier to simply remove the server choice and instead implement an account region. Then based on that region, it connects to the appropriate datacenter and then per-selects a server for the player. Make it so that the initial world chosen only exists for WvW, and that the game utilizes all the available servers appropriately, fully populating one before heading over to the next one.

-Some servers have a severe lack of players. Read down below or my previous server post for suggestions.

-There is a severe amount of input lag on certain servers, especially with skills and dodging on some occasions. My ping was usually around 20, so it was the server itself. Ensure the servers can handle capacities, or mask it somehow. ——————————————————————————————————————— Audio

-Let the audio switch between zones, and not carry over into the loading screens or other zones… it can make for strange changes.

-I am unsure if this is intentional, but there is no music of SFX underwater. It may be nice to add a Halo-ish space type beat!

-On some occasions the audio stops working, or during combat it fails completely.

-A few waypoint advisors lack a speech when telling you about the heart events in the region. This was often occurring in Kessex Peak.

-The general sounds of combat and cities are excellent, the vibrant dialogue of the people in towns and around the are is amazing, and Mr. Soule did an excellent job with the music, the vibe and overall feel is excellent! Like always, excellent work sound team and Jeremy Soule. ——————————————————————————————————- UI

-The user interface is very artistically made, and done in a way that it is easy to read and utilize. Pleasant, yet a few improvements are possible, such as the ability to move UI objects around like in Guild War 1.

-The color of the UI should be able to be changed in terms of shade. On certain dialogue opportunities I found myself receiving a blue-ish background, and a purple-ish background. Please allow these options to be used in the entire UI!

-Allow removal of certain UI elements, and allow the primary personal storyline objective to be hidden from the map or from the objective panel. Also allow world events to be X’d out completely.

-Allow the health bubble to be changed into a health square that blends with the skill UI. It would be nice for players such as myself who prefer the streamline.

-Allow more zooming out for characters. Currently, especially with the humans, the field of view seems somewhat little. Allow both the field of view to altered, and allow more zooming out from the character.

-Display events in the entire region on the world map. Display a clear outline and main objective on the world map, no matter of how close the character is to the event.

-Display the radius of heart events. Currently, i’d trail away from a heart event location to fulfill the objective, and suddenly find myself out of the radius itself. This is a minor annoyance, but can be fixed easily. Also, allow heart even items in the UI to be X’d out.

-Allow relocation of attunement/F1F2F3F4 options, and allow skills that are locked to be hidden at that moment.

-Provide a better indication of the amount of skill and/or trait points available for spending, it is currently hard to tell when those are gained.

-Allow full removal of the leveling bar at the bottom. Also, show a bigger notification when leveling up (for example, make the screen gain a golden outline or such).

-When skills are locked, upon hovering over a skill, show how many kills are needed overall to unlock it. For example: “Meteor Shower, Locked, 13/100 kills.”

-Make the cracked armor marker more obvious, and do not randomly hide armor. At some points, when armor was broken too much, I could not notice, and would suddenly be facing a mob of enemies feeling more like I belonged in a game such as Saints Row or GTA. ——————————————————————————————————- Combat

-Combat feels very streamlined and unique, great work! However, due to lag or input lag, it makes it less enjoyable and somewhat harder to do. Combat is a challenge, and very varied, the great variation in enemies is excellent, too!

-There is a lack of skills. Whilst I understand this is one of the goals, it may be good to allow certain skills to be altered, for example, the elementalist staff should allow skill #1 to be either an auto-cast weak skill with extended range, or the current fireball skill that allows repeat casting and is slightly more powerful.

-Allow right click to cancel a target or auto-casting. Currently, auto-casting is an annoyance due to it being very hard to cancel when in heavy combat or wanting to change the target.

-Targeting sometimes randomly jumps to an ally or to a inanimate object such as a door or a turret. Please fix this, it screws people up very badly. Sometimes I will be targeting a centaur or a flame legion charr, and suddenly I’m trying to fast cast at an ally or at a waypoint NPC.

-Increase damage of underwater #1 skills, it is impossible to kill higher level mobs when doing 7-15 points of damage per hit, when they are doing more than 50.

-When in the downed state, using skill #3 as an elementalist (vapor form), or using any other supposedly ‘turn me invisible’ skill is broken. Enemies will continue to follow me when I am in vapor form, thus making it completely useless. Please fix this bug, and fix the common insta-kill. —————————————————————————————————- Graphics

-The graphics in the game are excellent, the style is very well done, props and kudos to Daniel Dociu and the entire art team, it was excellently done! It is very pleasing, and there are only a few areas for minor improvement.

-Certain areas of the environment such as ice mountains or rick cliffs are somewhat lacking. I assume this is due to the lack of optimization, but please do improve it!

-I hope every single graphical options will receive the ‘ULTRA’ option! The game will look amazing, just take your time on the optimization!

-The weather effects are excellent and very well done, but the skyboxes are somewhat bland. The skyboxes can be beautifully done, grab the artists and make them design beautiful, crazy, fantastical skyboxes! The engine can handle it, so give them creative freedom.

-In a few parts of the game, the water graphics are glitchy, such as in Kessex peak near fort Salma. The underwater graphics near Meegaaloo village are too purple, it is impossible to see anything, too. ————————————————————————————————————— General gameplay, events, dynamic events

-The overall gameplay is excellent, very fluid, and highly entertaining. The events proposed are a great way of introducing a region, and the dynamic events are fun and a great innovation. This is truly the core of the game, and what a solid core it is!

-In certain parts of the game, due to uneven server balance or a badly implemented server system, there are no other humans to play with or party up with. Except for the capitol cities, Lion’s Arch and the first zone of each race, the areas were often populated with only 5-10 people. Please, add more capacity per server, these zones should feel bustling and alive!

-Each zone should have more heart events. There are some empty regions in Kessex Peak and in the Norn homeland that can easily fit some great heart events, and make sure there are plenty in the game! The heart events introduce regions, so use them!

-Ensure that more diversity exists in both heart events and dynamic events. The heart events in the human land could be for example one farm and gathering mission, one ‘defend the farm’ mission, a combined mission, and just some straight up fighting. The norn events are by far the most diverse, the keg brawl idea is genius! Ensure diversity exists. Also, add a lot more dynamic events. Some part of the world just feel empty, which is bad. By adding new dynamic events or chains, it can also solve the issue with the lack of players by making zones more attractive!

-Make more dynamic events that are not escorting or fighting. This game has so many options, make use of it! Also, ensure that boss events or possibilities are marked on the world map of a player. ————————————————————————————————— Time of Day and events/Closing

-Alter enemy spawns and events based on time of day. For example, have more ghosts spawn in Ascalon during the night or during dusk, and ensure ghost smiting dynamic events are not done in clear daylight, it kills any immersion.

-The current timing for the time of day is alright, but make it more like 1 hour day, 45 minutes night. This would mean the world truly does feel dynamic, and lets everyone experience each time of day.

-Ensure that any timezone and many times can experience different events. Some people in Europe cannot stay on until 4 AM local time, so fix it!

-Make events such as the upcoming “beta weekend finale” event occur at least once to fit European time zones, and once to fit an American time zone. It currently feels as if the even was catered to Americans only, which is not very fair nor fun for non-Americans.