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Race: Sylvari

Sex: Female

Name: Aislinn

Personality: Charming

Ghostly wraith

Shield of the moon

All things have a right to grow

Cycle of Dusk

A bit of backstory[edit]

The innkeeper of the Golden Boar wrung his apron nervously. He didn’t have the heart to tell her, but having Aislinn in the common room around dinnertime was bad for business. It wasn’t the fact that she was a Sylvari. Gods knew you saw all kinds in Divinity’s reach. Human, Asura, Norn, even the occasional Charr had always been welcome in the Golden Boar - albeit somewhat begrudgingly in the case of the latter- as long as they had coin to spend. A Sylvari was certainly nothing new or worrying.

Her being a necromancer wasn’t really the issue either, there were plenty of necromancers in the city. As long as no bodies –living or otherwise– mysteriously vanished in the middle of the night, practitioners of the dark arts were mostly left to their business. It wasn’t even the fact that she seemed to specialize in summoning minions. It was the fact that she constantly treated the damn things like they were pets! Here was an adult woman (although Aislinn insisted to anyone who suggested this that she was only 7 years old) doting over a creature that looked like a skinned monkey as if it were an adorable puppy! It was just… disturbing! And worse, it put people off their dinner! His income was almost halved every time Aislinn was around during mealtimes.

“Excuse me, miss… but … do you think you could perhaps put your … pet… outside? It’s, erm, it’s bothering the other customers you see.”

Aislinn looked at the innkeeper in honest puzzlement.

“Really? Why? I’ve seen many other men and women in here with pets. Dogs, I think. And big cats. Sometimes moas or even bears. And once I saw another Sylvari with a fern wolf. People didn't mind them."

The innkeeper continued to twist his apron.

"Well, yes, but that's different you see. Those pets were ... well... alive."

"But mine are alive too. Look, they can walk and run and jump and everything. They even roll over. Go on boy! Roll over!"

The innkeeper's face twisted up in a mixture of agony and disgust as the skinned monkey thing rolled on its back, producing an entire symphony of sickening noises and spreading putrid blood over a good portion of the floor. A few of the customers' faces had begun to turn a pale shade of green.

"Err, yes, well, they're not technically alive are they? I mean, they're undead."

"What's so bad about that? Just because they're different doesn't mean they're bad. You're not bad are you boy? No you aren't you big cutie."

"But they..." the innkeeper sighed "yes miss, you're right miss. Now if you'll excuse me, miss."

The innkeeper slouched back to the bar a defeated man. It was pointless to have these sort of discussions with Aislinn: the young Sylvari was innocent to the point of naivety. She vehemently believed that deep down, all creatures were inherently nice and friendly beings and no one ever had the heart to tell her otherwise. It was near impossible to dislike Aislinn. The young Sylvari with the cheery disposition, unshakeable belief that the world was a nice, kind and happy place, who could be seen hop skipping down the road as abominations from the deepest pits of the underworld followed her, had become somewhat of an attraction in Divinity's reach.

"Here boy, come get your dinner!"

That was another thing. She always ordered food for the damn things! They never ate it, they just tossed it around on the floor! Top quality meat! But Aislinn always ordered it anyway, and she always paid in full. The innkeeper didn't know how the young Sylvari got a hold of all that money, but there were rumors. Aislinn would often go out at night to stroll through the city streets. She liked the cool air and the star filled skies. It was said that any thief foolish enough to think her easy prey never got more than thirty feet with her pouch before coming back and giving Aislinn all her money back, as well as anything of value he had on him at the time. All the while taking extreme care not to make any sudden movements that might anger the ten or so undead minions standing behind him with bared claws and dripping teeth.

"C'mon boy, let's go for a walk."

A sigh of relief went throughout the room, the meaning of which was completely lost on Aislinn as she walked out of the inn. The innkeeper shook his head and looked at his wife.

"One of these days Marie, I swear I'll... I'll..." Another sigh. "One of these days..."

Out in the street, shocked gasps and the occasional scream could be heard as Aislinn hop skipped down the road, followed by her pet.