User:Awesumness/Low Intensity

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Compete in and provide a low intensity build for Hardstuck website.


  1. The build cannot exceed 20 APM.
  2. The build cannot exceed 60 APM for more than 5 seconds.


Low Intensity but high impact makes me think we need a few things in the builds:

  1. Every aspect of the build should try to lean to accessibility. Low APM. Low weapon swaps. Low dodge requirements. Cheap food. And relatively accessible gear stats/runes.
  2. Auto attacks will likely need to proc a lot of traits to ensure DPS is strong without too many APM.
  3. Traits which provide passive benefits will likely be big value. These are typically traits that translate to stats, especially if they enable Condi Duration/Crit Chance capping. Capping these with little gear means gear can be optimized and/or more flexible.
  4. Procs on less frequently used skills are way lower value.


Condi Virtuoso[edit]