Template:Weekly PvP

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This Template includes a table of weekly PvP Wizard's Vault activities.

Note: The highlighted week index is not always automatically updated in time to always show the correct week.
It may take the system several hours after weekly reset to automatically refresh/buffer the template.

Current Week highlighted: Week 51


 {{Weekly PvP}} 


Weekly Compete
1 Compete in 10 Structured Player vs. Player Matches
Weekly Tournament
1 Participate in 1 Player vs. Player Tournament Match
Weekly Defeat Players
1 Defeat 30 Players in Structured Player vs. Player
Weekly Wins
1 Win 5 Games in Structured Player vs. Player
Weekly Earn Rewards
1 Earn 5 Rewards from Structured Player vs. Player Reward Tracks
Weekly Rank Points
1 Earn 1,000 PvP Rank Points
Weekly Additional Wins
1 Win 3 Structured Player vs. Player Rated Games
2 Win 1 Game in Conquest Mode after Completing the Map's Secondary Objective
Weekly PvP #8
1 Neutralize 5 Enemy Capture Points in Rated Player vs. Player Conquest Matches
2 Defeat 3 Enemies While Defending a Capture Point in Rated Player vs. Player Conquest Matches
3 Earn a Top Scoreboard Stat on Your Team in a PvP Match 5 Times