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Compares two dates and returns difference in years. Mainly used for showing ones age.



year1 (first parameter)
year to check
month1 (second parameter)
month to check
day1 (third parameter)
day to check
year2 (fourth parameter)
year to compare, current year by default
month2 (fifth parameter)
month to compare, current month by default
day2 (sixth parameter)
day to compare, current day by default


If you want to show how old are you and you were born on (for example) 01-01-1999 use {{AgeYears|1999|1|1}}: that will show 26.

If you want to compare for example two dates to check how old you were on given day (again, lets say you were born on 01-01-1999) use: {{AgeYears|1999|1|1|2010|10|3}}: that will show 11.