Talk:Volatile Magic Mining Tool

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Typical ANet[edit]
"All unlimited-use mining tools will now strike four times instead of three when mining rich ore nodes."

But the new VM mining tool strikes just 3 times in 1 animation cycle... -- 18:40, 4 July 2018 (UTC)

And the logging tool strikes 4 times at any tree(the 4th strike happens nearly instantly after the 3rd). Tested this both on the synthesizers in guild hall and orchids. I think they swapped the behaviors of tools accidentally.

Each strike gives 5-8 VM[edit]

-- 01:33, 8 July 2018 (UTC)

Feedback 2020/02/25[edit]

With the 2/25/20 update, can now gather the same amount as other unlimited mining tools. -- 18:23, 25 February 2020 (UTC)