Talk:Varajar Fells Notebook

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is this right?[edit]

this is the first page I've created on the wiki, so I'm not certain if i've got the formatting and terminology right, although i'm pretty confident of the deciphering. any edits would be appreciated 17:51, 2 September 2012 (UTC)

The cipher[edit]

Nice work :)

For documentation purposes, here's what's known of the cipher. It's not a Caesarian cipher, which makes it interesting...

A = S H = Y O = I V = A
B = U I = W P = H W = K
C = V J = O Q = F X = M
D = T K = R = B Y = L
E = R L = P S = D Z = J
F = M = N T = E
G = N = G U = C

Esadha Kephal 14:45, 26 September 2012 (UTC)

one other thing worthy of note was the key phrase on the first line, "Cvevzve'Qtyya" i.e "Varajar Fells" , which was what I started from when decyphering. It's probably a good thing to look out for if another of these crops up. 15:40, 9 October 2012 (UTC)

I used a crypto tool to crack it before I found this page. Maybe the crypto solution should be mentioned on the page? :)

I got this:

"O'rtyotct Cvevzve'Qtyya ioyy'rt xh'djxr, qje'O pvct'mj staoet'dj ytvct'dpoa cvyyth'jq dbxryts'njsa." 
"Dpt'qvutda pvct'rttm etctvyts, vms'dpt uolpte'va ityy. O'pvct xvadtets'dptx." 
"V'netvdte bmsteadvmsomn'jq dpt'Tdtemvy Vyuptxh'oa iodpom'xh etvup." 
"Pbxvm'njsa, upvee'njsa, mjem'vmoxvy djdtxa-dpth'vet lved'jq dpt'vyy-tmujxlvaaomn Tdtemvy'Vyuptxh." 
"O'vx pbxryts'va mtcte'rtqjet rh'dpt nevmstbe'jq od, vms'rh xh'jim vroyodh'dj ujmutoct'jq abup'cvadmtaa." 

"i'believe varajar'fells will'be my'tomb, for'i have'no desire'to leave'this valley'of tumbled'gods." 
"the'facets have'been revealed, and'the cipher'as well. i'have mastered'them." 
"a'greater understanding'of the'eternal alchemy'is within'my reach." 
"human'gods, charr'gods, norn'animal totems-they'are part'of the'all-encompassing eternal'alchemy." 
"i'am humbled'as never'before by'the grandeur'of it, and'by my'own ability'to conceive'of such'vastness." 

abcdefghi  lmnop rstuvw yj (kqxz)

using Useful tool for these kind of ciphers. Mirarkitty 08:21, 31 October 2012 (UTC)

Spelling mistake?[edit]

I notice somebody's edited out the spelling mistakes in the translation ("I Belive" & "Weell). I'm not certain what the wiki regs are regarding this; although I personally prefer it to read properly, as a quote I understand that normally the mistakes would be preserved. I find it unlikely that these mistakes alude towards something else, or are part of a secondary cipher, however considering the early WiK stuff in GW1 the other year it's deffinatly possible (and considering I negated caps in the original deciphering). I'll add a note regardless

EDIT: scratch that, just realised it was a typo by me, not in the original book 15:20, 9 October 2012 (UTC)

Speaking of spelling, there is no apostrophe in the book title. 16:35, 13 October 2012 (UTC)