Talk:Unlocking the Wizard's Tower

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Achievement Notes

NOTE: The Meta must be successful for you to get credit for these Accomplishments AND "Collecting Essence" or "Fractal Push" can only be active one at a time. Meaning that you will have to redo the story step to pick-up the other accomplishemnt.

  • Collecting Essence -- This can be accomplished by participating in the first part of the Meta, before Mabon declares he found Lyhr (Outside on the disk shaped platforms).
Phase 1 -- Collect essences of "Awe" in the forge room, by killing Kryptis in the Forge Room.
Phase 2 -- Collect essences from across the fractals by killing animals or Kryptis in each Fractal, each Fractal will contain a different emotion (total of 5 emotion) .
Phase 3 -- Collect essences from inside the forge room, all 5 emotions will be represented by killing Kryptis.
  • Fractal Push -- This can be accomplished by participating the the Second part of the Meta, after your given the choice of activities by Mabon do nothing and wait by the round platforms for this step.
* This step begins when Mabon declares he found Lyhr and placed him in stasis.
* Do NOT Participate in the Collecting Essences steps, it will prevent this achievement from activating.
* Participate in the process of freeing Lyhr from the Snares, the event must be successful to get credit.
* The Essence fill bar will remain empty for the duration of this event, continue to participate anyway. Credit will be given once the event complete successfully.
I have completed the Fractal Push achi while my Collecting Essence progress was 90%, so I do not think it is required not to touch any essence. ~Sime 19:13, 4 September 2023 (UTC)