Talk:Sylvari cultural armor

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Can we get higher quality screenshots for the armour? The mix of bland color and blocky texture doesn't do this glorious culture armour set justice. --Archeer 03:54, 16 September 2012 (UTC)

Seriously. These pics are atrocious, lol.


This armor uses it! -Anon without an account, 5:57 PM Eastern September 22, 2012

It does indeed, but there's a bug with a lot of pieces (t1 medium on males, t1 and t2 heavy, perhaps some others, though t1 medium male is most noticeable due to the large patches that are meant to glow) where the armor glows white instead of taking the glow colour you set for your sylvari, with no dye slot to change this colour. Some pieces (like the t2 light headpiece on females) do glow correctly, however. I really hope they fix this at some point, it's distracting to have huge white patches on my poor ranger... IMochi (talk) 17:41, 19 October 2013 (UTC)