Talk:Skyscale Lost—Sanctum of Nabkha

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It might be helpful to have a warning/slash description (maybe behind a spoiler) of what to do when porting into the final room, such as:

Multiple veterans will begin ranged attacking you as soon as you enter the room, and can dismount you in seconds. You can recover and get out of combat by going into any of the shallow alcoves around the lower area (three of which contain chests). You can switch to Springer in one of these alcoves without drawing aggro. To get to the Skyscale, you will have to jump up one level to the mezzanine where the veterans are, and then you will have to quickly jump up onto the outer ring of pillars before their ranged shots dismount you. This may take several tries as the second jump is almost at the limit of the Springer, so plan on quickly retreating to the lower area to recover in an alcove. Once you are up on the outer ring of pillars, you can can carefully find a spot where the veterans no longer aggro you and from there you will need to make your way to the Skyscale.