Talk:Mending Chestpiece

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Is this part of a set? And if is is, what's the name? The usual formula "'prefix' 'armor name' of 'suffix'" doesn't seem to apply here. -- 22:06, 16 September 2012 (UTC)

it is a set, but it seems that you can get it only though the story. i cannot find the pants somehow and i lost my Mending Wraps or didn't get them :( other parts are Mending Epaulets, Mending Circlet, Mending Shoes; it looks like this armor set is (completely) available at some karma merchants in iron swamps --MG127 13:43, 20 February 2013 (UTC)
I believe this is a part of the Stately Armor set which you can see the details about here. You can get pieces of it through karma vendors. 02:59, 18 March 2013 (UTC)