Talk:Elder's Respite

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Interaction with Rune of Dwayna[edit]

Here's the simple test I did to see how Dwayna's 20% regen effectiveness and Elder's Respite 20% regen effectiveness stacked with 175 healing power from the set:

Regeneration Modifier Interactions
Healing Power Elder's Respite Dwayna's 6th bonus Hypothesis if additive (rounded) Actual regeneration tick
175 0% 0% 151.875 (152) 152
175 20% 0% 182.25 (182) 183 off by 1
175 0% 20% 182.25 (182) 182
175 20% 20% 212.625 (213) 214 off by 1

So fast conclusion, they stack additively meaning regeneration multipliers are added together, instead of multipled.

With some additional testing on outgoing healing modifiers, whether it's additive or multiplicative. Since we've established regeneration modifiers are grouped additively we can use that as the besis for our next test. Here is the simple test data:

Outgoing Healing and Regeneration Modifiers
Healing Power Outgoing Healing Modifier Regeneration Modifier Hypothesis if additive (rounded) Hypothesis if multiplicative (rounded) Actual regeneration tick
275 0% 0% 164.375 164.375 164
275 10% 20% 213.6875 (214) 216.975 (217) 218 off by 1
275 10% 40% 246.5625 (247) 253.1375 (253) 254 off by 1

Fast conclusion, they stack multiplicatively. So outgoing healing multiplied by regeneration modifiers. A simple way to think about how these interact is your base regen * (outgoing healing percentage modifier * regen percentage modifier). Let me know if you feel these aren't accurate and we can continue discussing from there. Horus-ra (talk) 08:31, 30 December 2018 (UTC)