Talk:Catalyst's Trinket

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Feedback 2022/03/09[edit]

I've been sitting at the hideout for.. hm close to two hours now and mostly it was a "Grenadier" that spawns, no drop so far. Perhaps it has to be a specific Aetherblade champion, not just any champ.

I got the trinket on an Aetherblade Grenader, in their hideout (or more precisely just outside the hideout). This said, I never saw a single Striker while I was waiting there.

Feedback 2022/03/14[edit]

Got mine from an Aetherblade Scrapper in the hideout. Never saw a striker while farming in there for it.

Feedback 2022/04/09[edit]

I already had a hammer and instead of converting the stats decided to do this collection. It's a real pain. Costly and time consuming. This part took so long I ended up quitting and just converting my existing hammer.