Talk:Boiling-Hot Magma (Mount Maelstrom)

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Heat Stones and Boiling-Hot Magma dialog options: - This one is not actually a bug.

   On the chef who completed the Heat Stone Delivery for Gourmet Training with three Heat Stones, I did not have Mount Maelstrom mapped out so I put the Heat Stones in Shared Inventory and jumped on a character who did have the area already but was NOT a Chef. With the Heat Stones in their inventory, which is where I am at currently, there seems to be a "bug". Not sure if it is because if you have a character who is NOT the chef go to Mount Maelstrom, it causes this or what. Should say [Dip the Heat Stones in the magma.] But for me it just says [It's too hot here.] even though I have 3 Heat Stones in my inventory.  I DO suspect it is because THIS particular character is NOT the Chef. 

I VERIFIED that it HAS to be the actual Chef for this to work since the wiki DOES say "if on the chef who completed the Heat Stone Delivery for Gourmet Training with three Heat Stones in their inventory" making this NOT a bug but I imagine people at first might think it is if they do the same thing I did.

--KatieBoom (talk) 16:05, 2 June 2021 (UTC)