Talk:Advanced Mining Pick

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Gatherable Resources[edit]

Can this pick mine ANYTHING? (meaning up till and including Orichalcum nodes) --Rapid Sausage 12:41, 8 February 2013 (UTC)

My guess, given the level requirement, is that it can mine anything except Orichalcum nodes. But I do not know from personal experience. --Combatter 12:58, 8 February 2013 (UTC)
Tested with a level 80 Character, this pick can be used for Orichalcum. Would be nice if someone could try with a level 45 character as well, but generally, it can apparently replace any other mining pick. Ekevu 06:46, 10 February 2013 (UTC)
It's weird that the regular Orichalcum tools require level 60 but these only require level 45. --Combatter 10:25, 10 March 2013 (UTC)
The level requirement was only added so people can't use fresh nooby alts to farm orichalcum easily. This was introduced back when there was the permanent rich ori node and an account bound master mining pick that you could buy with karma and could mine anything. Now all similar tools carry that trend. It'd be pretty silly if a 2 laurel pick couldn't mine orichalcum, which can be mined by a 4s pick :p174.60.228.165 00:34, 22 May 2013 (UTC)

Rare Components[edit]

The description says; "Highly efficient at gathering resources and uncovering rare components". Does this have a greater chance of success than an Orichalcum Pick? Other than it has more uses, what are the advantages of having this equipped? (Despite being able to use it at a lower level). Stu (talk) 13:16, 4 December 2014 (UTC)