Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Cooked Eggs

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Aquatic Ruins Chest Disabled.png

Cooked Eggs

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Dive into the cauldron of Mount Maelstrom and gather the ancient eggs that fell in. Recover them before they burn, so they reach that perfect level of doneness.

If you do not reach the eggs in time, Grand Archivist Vivienne has agreed to deliver another crate of them high above the cauldron.

— In-game description

Cooked Eggs is an effect that becomes active when a player destroys the Flying Crate of Ancient Eggs floating above Mount Maelstrom, as part of the Tyrian Taste Testing collection. The effect serves as an indicator to the player of how much time is left before the eggs burn and become unusable. If the timer ends before you retrieve the eggs, you'll have to destroy another crate and try again.

Related achievements[edit]


  • Time Left: 60 s