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Astral Ward Report

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the open world object. For the object from the A Record of War: The Celestial achievement, see Astral Ward Report (A Record of War).

Astral Ward Report

Scroll (Inner Nayos).jpg

Nyedra, Dreamer's Sanctum
(Inner Nayos)
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Interactive map

Astral Ward Report is a scroll found south of Coliseum of the Midnight King.


Horn of Maguuma


Report on Encampment Assault

We sent three scout teams to survey the area, and none ever came back alive. Three was more than we could afford, but we tried our best to know what we were heading into. All we really knew in the end was that they were dug in and ready for a fight. We had to soften their defenses first; it would have been suicidal to attack otherwise. So we bombarded them with spells from a distance, just like the handbook calls for.

It was only when we got into the encampment and saw the bodies that we realized it had been a prison. They had been in cages when the fire came down, and there were claw marks in the walls where they had tried to escape. Many were still burning, a smell I doubt that any of us will ever forget. We cut down the loyalists who had not already fled—our anger directed at them to keep from attacking ourselves.

I don't know what fate awaited them if we hadn't been here, so I can't say whether it would have been bettwe or worse. But we failed them here, and that's something we may never be able to atone for. We'll fight on, a tleast, because that's what they deserve. Maybe then this loss won't be in vain.