Talk:Map meta event

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moved to Guild_Wars_2_Wiki_talk:Event_formatting#Map_meta_event


Tier Colour Closed Open Large image
1 Bronze Map meta chest bronze closed.png Map meta chest bronze open.png Map meta chest bronze open large.png
2 Silver Map meta chest silver closed.png Map meta chest silver open.png Map meta chest silver open large.png
3 Gold Map meta chest gold closed.png Map meta chest gold open.png Map meta chest gold open large.png
4 Lime Map meta chest lime closed.png Map meta chest lime open.png Map meta chest lime open large.png
5 Green Map meta chest green closed.png Map meta chest green open.png Map meta chest green open large.png
6 Cyan Map meta chest cyan closed.png Map meta chest cyan open.png Map meta chest cyan open large.png
7 Blue Map meta chest blue closed.png Map meta chest blue open.png Map meta chest blue open large.png
8 Red Map meta chest red closed.png Map meta chest red open.png Map meta chest red open large.png
9 Magenta Map meta chest magenta closed.png Map meta chest magenta open.png Map meta chest magenta open large.png
10 Purple Map meta chest purple closed.png Map meta chest purple open.png Map meta chest purple open large.png
11 Black Map meta chest black closed.png Map meta chest black open.png Map meta chest black open large.png

Have we got the map meta reward chest icons on the wiki somewhere? -Chieftain AlexUser Chieftain Alex sig.png 09:02, 1 May 2016 (UTC)

Okay I found the files in the dat, but it seems that we don't have any of them on the wiki yet. Does anyone know the colour sequence for lowest to highest tier in terms of map meta event reward? The choices are from the following: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Yellow, Green, Turqoise, Blue, Red, Magenta, Purple, Black.
  • I think the Chak Gerent event used to go up to T5, and that was purple or pink.
  • Bronze and yellow are low down on the scale, and blue is in the middle.
I really need to take more screenshots as I do meta events! -Chieftain AlexUser Chieftain Alex sig.png 09:38, 1 May 2016 (UTC)
Silver is tier 1 50%, Gold is tier 1 100%. -Chieftain AlexUser Chieftain Alex sig.png 12:00, 2 May 2016 (UTC)
It's before the changes to map metas, but I found a screenshot of tier 1 of Defending Tarir where I had 60% participation to have a blue chest, what I believe is the number 4 yellow chest where I had 96% participation for a tier 2 of Against the Blighting Towers, and I have a screenshot of the chest that's number 8 where I got that with 124% participation as a tier 5 for defeating the Mouth of Mordremoth. So it could be linked to what participation level you did, chest colours could be linked to maps, or it could be just certain tiers for certain maps. I'll try to take more screenshots as well. - Doodleplex 16:56, 2 May 2016 (UTC)
Okay Mora had a legit reason for tagging all those files for deletion, he had uploaded them the month before. The file naming convention is now slightly different (bronze → orange, gold → yellow, silver → white, turquoise → cyan). -Chieftain AlexUser Chieftain Alex sig.png 06:35, 5 May 2016 (UTC)
Legit or not he could have replaced the links. =p I don't agree with the naming on two, the silver one is silver or grey, that's definitely not white, and that's not orange, it's brown(though I quite liked it being bronze) with orange-ish colour being used to create the highlights(fear me and my colour theory? XD). Anyway, the silver chests seem to be given out during tier progress(what I'm assuming are those little white dots anyway) and not as tier rewards, so those are the in-between chests. The other colours I'm still testing. (and while totally not related, can you get the icons for the Scrap Rifle Field Test adventure & Beetle Feast, because I can't find them anywhere on the wiki and am assuming they're unique.) - Doodleplex 07:04, 5 May 2016 (UTC)
Related but moving down to avoid tangling up with the images above, seems like the reward info currently listed on map meta pages are not 100% accurate. Your screen shot shows the correct number of Exp, but not the bag of gear or the crystals that is currently listed. I have no idea what level of participation that was for, and wonder if rewards should be listed for: under 100%, over 100% and at 200% since that's my guess at the different tiers for rewards. (That and to avoid edit wars of "I didn't have that in my chest so you're wrong yadda yadda".) - Doodleplex 20:52, 5 May 2016 (UTC)
If you're talking about, 25% participation like it says. 25% or less = only xp. -Chieftain AlexUser Chieftain Alex sig.png 21:26, 5 May 2016 (UTC)


Note: Popup = bouncy chest. Hover = what appears when you move the mouse over the compass.

Verdant Brink
  • Securing Verdant Brink (day), t2 33% progress, gold chest on hover Map meta chest gold closed.png. [156% participation]
  • Night and the Enemy (night), t1 50% progress, silver popup Map meta chest silver closed.png. Lime chest on hover Map meta chest lime closed.png. [37% participation]
  • Night and the Enemy (night), t2, lime chest popup Map meta chest lime closed.png. [72% participation] - Doodle Data
  • Night and the Enemy (night), t2, lime chest popup Map meta chest lime closed.png. [79% participation] - Doodle Data
  • Night and the Enemy (night), t2 20% progress, gold chest on hover Map meta chest gold closed.png. [55% participation]
  • Night and the Enemy (night), t3, bronze chest on hover Map meta chest bronze closed.png. [190% participation]
  • Night and the Enemy (night), t4, bronze chest popup Map meta chest bronze closed.png. [120% participation]
  • Night and the Enemy (night), t4, bronze chest popup Map meta chest bronze closed.png. [200% participation] - Doodle Data
Auric Basin
  • Defending Tarir, t1  ?% on progress("Do you want to change maps" was up, so probably zilch progress), blue chest popup Map meta chest blue closed.png. [60% participation] (24,003 exp and 15 aurillium with flavor text "The Exalted were not well prepared for the invading Mordrem.") - Doodle Data 3/14/2016
  • Battle in Tarir, t1 no progress, lime chest on hover. Map meta chest lime closed.png [0% participation]
  • Battle in Tarir, t2 20% progress, green chest popup. Map meta chest green closed.png [63% participation] screen
  • Battle in Tarir, t2 ?% progress (3 vines killed), green chest popup Map meta chest green closed.png [47% participation]
  • Battle in Tarir, t4, bronze chest popup Map meta chest bronze closed.png. [78% participation] - Doodle Data
  • Battle in Tarir, t4, bronze chest popup Map meta chest bronze closed.png. [100% participation] - Doodle Data
  • Battle in Tarir, all 4 octovines killed (t4?), bronze chest popup Map meta chest bronze closed.png. Silver chest popup for partial progress (I think this is received for killing at least one) Map meta chest silver closed.png [200% participation].
Tangled Depths
  • Against the Chak Gerent - t1 failed (only guy in the map), Blue chest popup with XP reward only Map meta chest blue open.png. Lime chest on hover. (screen so small i cannot tell if green or lime, i think lime) Map meta chest lime closed.png. [25% participation]
  • Against the Chak Gerent, t1, blue chest popup Map meta chest blue closed.png. [25% participation] - Doodle Data
  • Against the Chak Gerent, t4, red chest popup Map meta chest red closed.png. [85% participation] - Doodle Data
Dragon's Stand
  • Advancing on the Blighting Towers - t1 no progress, lime chest on hover Map meta chest lime closed.png. [0% participation]
  • Advancing on the Blighting Towers, t2, lime chest popup Map meta chest lime closed.png. [87% participation] - Doodle Data
  • Advancing on the Blighting Towers, t2, lime chest popup Map meta chest lime closed.png. [96% participation] - Doodle Data
  • Advancing on the Blighting Towers, t2, lime chest popup Map meta chest lime closed.png. [200% participation] - Doodle Data
  • Against the Mouth of Mordremoth - (t5) Mordremoth dead. Red chest popup. Map meta chest red closed.png [124% participation] - Doodle Data
  • Against the Mouth of Mordremoth - (t5) Mordremoth dead. Red chest popup. Map meta chest red closed.png [200% participation] - Doodle Data
  • Against the Mouth of Mordremoth - t1 no progress, lime again on hover Map meta chest lime closed.png [200% participation]
  • Against the Mouth of Mordremoth - (t5?) Mordremoth dead. Red chest popup. Map meta chest red closed.png [200% participation]
Conclusions so far
  1. Hovering over the UI shows the colour of the chest you get when the tier is completed. (obvious but I hadn't noted that here yet)
  2. All maps have the same t1 colour chest, lime.

-Chieftain AlexUser Chieftain Alex sig.png 21:12, 5 May 2016 (UTC)

I'm not sure we can use the Securing Verdant Brink info, as they took that out of having tiers and chest, so it's old, possibly bad data. Also, in before somebody from Anet pops in to say "Lol it's random guys, we just wanted a rainbow" - Doodleplex 21:34, 5 May 2016 (UTC)
It doesn't conflict with any of the other data yet but I'll bear that in mind. Doing a full VB night cycle to t4 would give us a lot of the data we need. -Chieftain AlexUser Chieftain Alex sig.png 06:36, 6 May 2016 (UTC)
The tricky part is getting it to T4 these days it seems, though I do believe I have some screenshots that I haven't sorted through of a T4 NatE(lol Night and the Enemy abbreviation spells a name) from a week or two ago, I just need to find them and see what I got. Though if you mean "Confirm lime green chest is universal tier 1" then yes, I had that in my bar last night for Night and the enemy. - Doodleplex 17:04, 6 May 2016 (UTC)
t4 VB is super easy to get nowadays, my map got to t4 with 15 minutes to spare, didn't even have to kill all the sky bosses. -Chieftain AlexUser Chieftain Alex sig.png 00:38, 7 May 2016 (UTC)
Map meta chest lime open large.png Map meta chest green open large.png
Lime Green
Doodleplex, you're written down "t2, lime green chest" in both VB and DS. Have you got a screenshot - I think these are green as opposed to lime. If they do turn out to be "green", this would tie in with this screenshot, which is green. -Chieftain AlexUser Chieftain Alex sig.png 01:43, 8 May 2016 (UTC)
QR guide to popup bouncy chest colours User:Chieftain Alex/sandbox. -Chieftain AlexUser Chieftain Alex sig.png 02:29, 8 May 2016 (UTC)
I've combined the screenshots of chests I had into one image with dates(before and after the Spring Update) so we have pretty much everything(flavor text, reward items, exp, etc). Tangled Depths (top) and Auric Basin (bottom): Dragon's Stand and Verdant Brink with some silver map meta chests at the bottom: Now that I see them like that, looks like all I have is lime and that one picture you linked also looks lime, no green chest anywhere, so I'm wondering if it's an abandoned colour since the spring update. Oh and for goodness sakes, since we're referring to them as such, can the "white", "orange", and "yellow" be renamed silver, bronze, and gold? - Doodleplex 19:48, 5 June 2016 (UTC)
Yes they can be renamed (done). After closer inspection I think that all screenshots of tier 2 maps are using the same chest as that in the "green" image.
Tier 1 2 3 4 5
Verdant Brink Blue Green Gold Bronze
Auric Basin Blue Green ? Bronze
Tangled Depths Blue ? ? Red Purple
Dragon's Stand

(Against the Blighting Towers)

Dragon's Stand

(Against the Mouth of Mordremoth)

Green Gold ? Bronze Red
I don't think maps receive map rewards if they don't slay mordremoth / the towers before the timer runs out, so I guess t1,t3+t4 in DS can't be obtained. It seems probable that the tier 1 reward would be blue in VB, and that the t2 reward would be Green in TD. Tier 3 will most likely be gold since that is what appears when you hover over the compass. -Chieftain AlexUser Chieftain Alex sig.png 19:29, 8 June 2016 (UTC)
I actually can confirm the Blue for T1 VB, got it Monday when I was poking around for something else. As for DS, as there are two map map metas, maybe the chest colours the same? If they are then it is probably possible to find out what T1 is for AtMoM, somebody just needs to have an "Against the Blighting Towers" map to fail. As for tier 3 and 4 for AtMoM meta in DS, I'll see what I can find out, I want to say you probably do get chests if it fails, I mean you do if the Octovine fails and I think the Chak Gerent, so why not that one too? - Doodleplex 19:46, 8 June 2016 (UTC)
I narrowly missed t3 Verdant Brink (night) a minute ago, it would need 3 bosses killed to get it. -Chieftain AlexUser Chieftain Alex sig.png 20:33, 8 June 2016 (UTC)
I can confirm that VB t3 night is a gold chest. It should be simple enough to screenshot the progress of the TD meta during t2 (to get the t3 colour) -Chieftain AlexUser Chieftain Alex sig.png 22:36, 8 June 2016 (UTC)

Unrelated to the chest data, but it is data. I just asked Rubi, that what appears on the side bar during Night and the Enemy(as seen here) is referring to the Map Meta event, not a meta event. She read out loud and back to me and confirmed what she was reading was the map meta event. If that's true for Night and the Enemy, it very well might be the same for the rest, but would need to confirm/clarify a bit when I'm not going "Oh crap, need to pack, clean, get ready for vacation!" - Doodleplex 04:05, 23 June 2016 (UTC)