Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content

Strange Journal

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Strange Journal

Strange Journal

Story involvement[edit]

End of Dragons story[edit]


Strange Journal

Mmm. Fish. You could really go for some fish right about now.

What is right, actually? Is it opposite of left? Or is it complementary?

When's the last time anyone ever really complimented you? Do they not see how hard you work? How much you care about...

Care about? Oh, please, as if anyone ever really cared about you. Not even your mother or father cared about you!

Wait, do you even have a mother? Why have you not even thought about your parents in so long? Or ever?

Hold on...why is this book using you, and not me? Clearly, this book would appear to be vocalizing my own thoughts, which means it should be saying I from here on.

Here. Hmm. How did I get here?

Where am I going?

I really, really hope I'm not the bad guy in this story. I think this story needs to end now. End. The End. Now.

Related achievements[edit]