Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Zinn's Journal

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Zinn's Journal

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Zinn's Journal is an object that can be found on the upper floor of Western Research Facilities in Rata Novus Promenade.


Horn of Maguuma


Zinn's Journal

Entry 892: Well, the golems we sent out have confirmed my suspicions: the thinning of the air is not from some pollutant. We are floating in the sky. I've restricted everyone to the city for now, until I can get a better assessment of the situation. Better to keep as few citizens as possible aware of our predicament, so as not to cause a panic.

Entry 893: I've developed several hypotheses for what might have happened to create this...unique situation. The popular rumor around the city is that it's my doing; a trial run gone wrong. I wish that were the case—it would be a blessing. Instead, I suspect the truth will be much less pleasant.

Entry 894: My testable hypotheses have all failed. That's good, in a way; some of them would have been catastrophic if they were true. But it leaves troubling questions that I'm unable to resolve. Further study will be required, but until I can determine what's really going on, the people need to be kept calm.