User talk:VanderBeltLegacy

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I had "trolled" wiki's and forums with a print screen of an email(me asking Anet a question about a supposed mesmer and being told i found a clue)+picture of a supposed mesmer for every1 else to see, and was told i was wrong, the mesmer dont exist and wont be in GW2, etc, etc, etc, all i wanna say is...SUCK THOSE APPLES...i was right, my email was not a fake and ha ha ha ha ha!! --VanderBeltLegacy 08:12, 2 January 2012 (UTC)

Cool story bro. - Infinite - talk 09:01, 2 January 2012 (UTC)
Yes and it's my Sotry under "MY" discussion --VanderBeltLegacy 09:50, 2 January 2012 (UTC)
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Happy wiki-ing. :) - Infinite - talk 10:04, 2 January 2012 (UTC)
seems complicated--VanderBeltLegacy 00:10, 3 January 2012 (UTC)

NOT GW2 but R.A[edit]

now i just want to get something clear for these elitus (target> "I Am Following "enter name"!">:Leave, ur bad">map out cus u dont">lose 2nd or 3rd round because of it"), Random Arenas was designed by Anet as an opening for 'New to PvP players', so when you say scrub PvE this, just remember all the people who started GW from day1, were mostly 'scrub PvE' players as this was the only way to aquire the skills at the time, also, Anet intended for RA to always be the stepping ground into PvP, its the "LEARNERS ARENA", that is why you use to have to fight so many wins to get to TA, etc, then to HA, also on the subject, guild hall's were originally only obtainable in PvP, this being the original idea of GvG/PvP=PvE(max it)>RA>TA>HA>make a guild based on who's good in HA>GvG>R1, the came factions for the whole town control, then NF came hero battles(big whoop right?...I LOVED HB....damn anet)....nerfs...crappy less used codex arena(atleast i could go to HB any time and get a battle)...all in all RA is still the slums of PvP, where us PvE scrubs go to learn, and i think im even getting the hang of it with 98 points gathered today...but RA is still more luck of the draw....a perfect system, would to have been, still have codex but just move HB arena to high end NF(like them low level PvP arenas get special cant enter cus ur lvl 20) reverse that..u cant enter REAL PvP unless ur lvl20, so they must work on a different code system from GToB map to Proph/Fact/NF maps, meaning a HB arena can be implemented with disturbing "no heroes in PvP" rule anet come out the but with


United Farmers Of Europe[FOE]=LUXON=LF MQSC'er's & Teachers+Learners, for a full MQSC guild, ATM there is only 2 people in my guild and only i do MQSC, my faction is sitting on 730,000(LUXON), i do every roll and can teach every roll, Goal=Start our own alliance, teach learners, max titles, then move to PvE...IGN:Gloria Vander Belt