User talk:OrangeHedgehog

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I joined the GW community back in the year of the pandemic, along with a friend who is no longer with us. One of my alt characters was created in their memory.

I Have Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire.

The GW 2 Wiki has proven to be of good use many times and I figured it was time to give back where I can, so I have finally created a GW2 Wiki presence.

I am predominantly around weekdays, not so much at weekends.

WvW used to be a regular foray for me, then the Wizard's Vault (WV) came along and the daily challenges were unsuitable for me, so now I mostly bounce around PvE harvesting.

The main reason I've put this here? Well, to get rid of the red links where I have edited something. :-)

If I ever find the motivation, and the required knowledge, I may just put in more information, but first I have better things to do.