User:Onox/Notes on keybinds and useful options

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“Proper keybinds” is a set of keybinds which a player chooses based on their specific hardware (they keyboard/mouse they have) and their personal preference. For example, some people use a MMO mouse with tons of buttons, others prefer multiple keybind combinations. All professions benefit from proper keybinds.

In Engi’s case this is particularly important because of the number of skills we have access to. My suggestion is to familiarize yourself with the keybinds menu (press F11 and select “Control Options”) and look for what’s most comfortable for you. For example, my own keybinds are:

  • 1-5: Weapon skills
  • Alt+1-5: Profession skills 1-5 (so toolbelts)
  • c: Heal
  • e/r/t: Utility skills
  • q: Elite
  • v: Special Action

I also configured a side button on my mouse to be equivalent to F5, because when playing Holosmith I need very very fast access to it. You should play the builds you like and then, with time and experience, look for a configuration that will be comfortable to you.

There are two important options:

Ground Targeting: press F11, in “General Options”, under “Combat/Movement”. The default option, “Normal”, forces you to press a ground targeted skill twice for you to activate it, for example you’d need to press Grenade Kit #2 (Shrapnel Grenade) twice in order to use it. This is awkward and very slow. Change it to either “Fast with Range Indicator” or “Instant”. The skill will be targeted where you point your mouse to and trigger when you lift your finger from the button.

Toggle Snap Ground Target: press F11, in “Control Options”, under “Targeting”. When you have the option Snap Ground to Current Target on, you don’t need to position your mouse in order to use ground targeted skills as they’ll go off where your target is. That way, you can target a boss and not have to “aim” your grenades (or mortars) at him. You can also target an ally and drop support fields on them (like mortar5). The problem with this option is that sometimes you want the flexibility of being able to move your skills – which is why having a specific keybind assigned to toggling it is so useful.

An example where this is very important is that if you have this option turned on, you can run away from your target and still manage to hit your grenades without issue – something very useful in some Strike Missions and when you’re doing mechanics.