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The Final Beta Weekend... Hate on![edit]

The third and final beta weekend (20-22 July 2012), took place and allowed players to enjoy Guild Wars 2 one more time before launch. Everyone was expecting the most amazing and perfect build until now... and instead of the game being praised or being enhanced upon, the most common topics on the official forums were the following:

  • Unbalanced
  • Too Easy
  • Uninspired
  • Uninteresting
  • Horrible Class Balance
  • A risk that will flop/fail
  • A horrible attempt at re-invention
  • Pathetic optimization
  • Lack of a driving force

That last point lightly amused me. The topic was a 311 reply topic before I left that night, and the topic slowly went from complaining about those points (well, the original poster did include constructive feedback and options to improve it), it slowly turned into that last point. People did not enjoy the fact that their characters were wiped before the final beta event, and that they would be wiped afterwords, too. I found this to be the main issue for people who did not enjoy the event.

What I posted on the official forums.[edit]

"I hear a lot of people claiming this game has gotten boring to them, and for me, it’s the same case. However, this is not because the game itself is boring, or that anything is wrong with it, it’s because we’ve been playing relatively the same lower-level content and introductory areas for a few months now in the past beta weekend events.

I believe the game will be a lot superior once we can freely get to the higher level zones, where content is massive, challenging, and not made for the beginners, which all of the content has been so far. I also believe the driving factor of working on a character is currently gone. At this moment, players know their hard work, their characters, account, and earned content will immediately be removed before launch with a wipe.

I think that once the game is launched, and players know their investments will pay off, that the game will be more successful."

Agree or not?