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Race: Charr

Sex: Male

Name: Ryve Ireclaw

Personality: Ferocious

No helm at all

Iron Legion


Loyal Soldier

A bit of backstory[edit]

“Damn those Blood Legion maniacs! They were supposed to hold their position! Our entire right flank is wide open thanks to these idiots!”

The railing shook with the force of the Centurion’s blow. The battle had been hard fought, branded had been assaulting the fortress since early morning and many charr had already fallen. Now that the tide of battle was finally turning in their favor, the last thing he needed was having his perimeter breached by these battle-crazed Blood Legion fools. The battle had been brewing for over a week. More and more branded had gathered near the border fortress, making occasional attacks to probe the charr defenses. Everyone knew about the tensions that existed between the legions, and the Iron Legion Centurion didn’t like the fact that he had to call in reinforcements from outside his own legion, but pride was of little use to a dead soldier. Ash Legion assassins had been making sorties every night, killing off key enemies, but when an ocean of enemies crashes onto you, it doesn’t matter much that one or two of the bigger fish are gone. And now these Blood Legion morons had disobeyed a direct order by breaking rank! The bloody fools were endangering the entire fortress!


The Legionnaire looked up from his rifle sight for only a moment


“Get your warband down there and pull those bloody fools back! I don’t care if you have to drag them back by their damn tails but you get down there and you HOLD THAT LINE!”

“Yes sir!”

Ryve jumped down from the ramparts and ran down through the gates. The Ire warband members were stationed just behind the main line, defending the field turrets.

“Ire warband, on me!”

Several charr reared their heads and ran back to their commander.

“We got ourselves a little situation here. Some Blood Legion Legionnaire apparently thought it was a great idea to break rank and leave the rest of the line hanging. It’s our job to haul them back alive so the Centurion can kill them himself. Grazz! Can you cook us up a diversion?”

The engineer grinned and let out an evil chuckle.

“Sure. The Quaestor won’t like it though.”

“Well the Quaestor isn’t down here roughing it up now is he? Do it. The rest of you, with me!”

Ryve drew his blade and charged towards the hole in the main line. Fireballs streamed overhead as the Ire warband’s elementalists unleashed their magic. The Blood Legion warband had pushed out way too far from the main line and already a score of branded creatures was pouring into the hole they left, cutting them off from the other fighters. As Ryve got closer to the line, he heard frantic shouts behind him from the turret operators. A loud rumbling noise came from one of the field turrets and fire streamed from the barrels onto the branded between him and the Blood Legion warriors. The mechanical roar ended as abruptly as it began, with Grazz jumping out of the turret’s cockpit just seconds before it exploded.

“Let em have it, Ire! Push through!”

The few branded creatures left after the barrage fell quickly to the warband’s blades and bullets.

“Serrak! The Centurion was wondering if you’d be so kind to get your band of maniacs back in line so we don’t all die horrible deaths!”

The Blood Legion commander looked up at Ryve. Many of his comrades had been wounded or killed when they were cut off from the main force.

“Dragon’s blood Ryve, what the hell are you doing?!”

“Dragging your sorry ass out of the fire, now let’s GO!”

Serrak snarled at him, but signaled his fighters anyway.

“Sunder warband! On me! Looks like these Iron Legion tinkerers are too lily-livered to protect their own toys, we’re going back to bail em out!”

Ryve grinned as his soldiers fought off the branded creatures, covering the retreat of the badly wounded Blood Legion soldiers.

“Alright, they’re clear! Ire warband, pull back! Guardians to the front, secure our retreat! Let’s get out of here!”

The warband ran back to the fortress, picking off errant enemies as they made their way back to the line. The branded creatures were already retreating, having been pushed back by the unrelenting charr fighters.

“Nice going Ryve. Blowing up your own turrets is a great way to win a battle.”

“Wouldn’t have been necessary if it hadn’t been for your little escapade, Serrak.”

Off in the distance, a cacophony of shrieks and roars indicated another assault would begin soon. Ryve checked his rifle and looked at the Blood Legion commander.

“Well, we’re down some firepower thanks to you, Serrak. Think you still got enough fight in you to hold off the next batch?”

The Legionnaire readied his twin swords and grinned.

“More fight than you, little brother. Let them come.”

Battle roars erupted all along the line as the two commanders pushed forward, into battle.