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Race: Norn

Sex: Female

Name: Kara Ulvansdottir

Personality: Dignified

Fanatic’s mantle


Blacked out

Spirit of Wolf

A little bit of backstory[edit]

Metallic clangs ring across the room as my hammer strikes the red hot metal. The curve on the armor isn’t yet right. Again and again the hammer falls, molding the steel into shape. Icy winds are blowing just outside the atelier, but sweat streams from my brow. The work is hard and the furnace standing at the heart of the workshop is radiating heat like a sun. The hammer blows cease. An angry hiss comes from the metal as I quench the armor piece. Once the metallic hiss stops, I inspect the metal for flaws.


I look up from my work.

“Finally, that’s the third time I called you. Important order?”

I walk over to the armor stand and fasten the shoulder pad to the rest of the armor. There are few ornaments or markings on the steel. A pretty chest plate might impress the ladies, but in battle you want a piece or armor that stops a blade, not one that sparkles in the midday sun.

“No, this armor isn’t for sale.”

“Pity. It looks like a magnificent piece of work.”

“It is. You wanted something, Björn?”

“Yes. The lads asked me to tell you that they’re ready to start the hunt. They’re waiting for you at the town entrance.”

Off in the distance, I can see the three young norn warriors standing just outside the tavern. Brash, loud and barely sober no doubt. Ready to slay the mightiest of dragons if only they could stop the pounding in their heads.

“No they’re not.”


“They’re not ready.”

Björn crosses his arms. He’s offended. Not very surprising; his son is one of the new hunters.

“And how would you know that Kara?”

I sigh and turn to face Björn.

“Because I heard them drinking and singing until just a few hours ago; Haved over there is still having trouble standing upright. Gunnar has forgotten his shield by the looks of it and he’s holding an axe even though he’s trained to use a sword, Jorgen’s bow isn’t strung and his quiver is only half full. If we go out like this my wards won’t be of much use: the three of them wouldn’t last five minutes against even the weakest of icebrood.”

Björn tries to make a retort, but I’m right and he knows it. I sigh again and smile lightly at him.

“The sun is up too high Björn. There’s fresh snow everywhere. If we go out now, the sun’s glare might blind them, and they’d miss their prey. It would be better to wait a few hours. In the afternoon, the sunlight will have lost most of its strength and the lads will be able to see their prey more clearly.”

Björn deflates a little, his pride saved.

“Right, right. The sun. You’re right; they shouldn’t go out hunting now. Not because they’re not ready mind you, but they’ll bring in a more impressive kill if they go out in the afternoon.”

“That’s right. Go tell them to go home and come back in a few hours. We’ll start the hunt then.”

“Right, right… They’re ready though, really. If you wanted you could…”

“Go, Björn. They waited their whole life for their first hunt. A few extra hours won’t matter. Besides, I need to finish this armor.”

“Right, right. I’ll erm… I’ll tell them to come back later then.”

I watch him walk back to the three young warriors. I shake my head and turn back to the armor. Björn is a good man and one of the strongest fighters in town, as those who revere Bear often are, but he’s also boastful and proud. He’d press on, knowing that he shouldn’t, rather than admit to being wrong. But I wasn’t about to go hunting with a bunch of drunken and ill-prepared louts. When you go to battle, you make sure you are fully prepared and that your comrades are as well. If you go looking for a fight without proper preparation, you risk not only your own life, but that of your brothers in arms as well. Those who revere Wolf understand this: it doesn’t matter how strong you are. It doesn’t matter how cunningly you lead your opponent into a trap or how wisely you use his own strengths against him. If you don’t have comrades to watch your back, sooner or later your luck runs out.

I turn my attention back to the hammer and anvil as the three young norn walk – somewhat unsteadily – back to their homes. Once again the hammer rises and falls. Sparks fly from the metal, shaping it, forming it into yet another piece of the whole. Alone, these little pieces of steel have little use. Together, they will be near impenetrable.

My name is Kara Ulvansdottir. This is my story…