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Predictions for GW2 storyline:

1. You must once again reuinte all the races to fight 1 common enemy, the dragons(tyria). The lich lord will also play a role as a foe at first, but he will help u overcome the dragon in Orr, which will hhelp u as an ally against the rest.

2. In Cantha, you must gather an army of former Luxons and Kurzicks, and kill the emperor to stop his tyranny. You must also become one with Saint Viktor and Archemores. Shiro will also reappear and help u kill the emperor.

3. In elona, koromir will bless you and you must seek an army of kournans, sunspears, and whipsers agents alike to kill alawa joko once and for all. Abbadon will also help to seal him away oncew and for all.

4.Eye of the North, the norn will be on the brink of destruccion, while the few dwarves remaining will be helping u as allys if u find them. The asurans will choose to fight with the humans, so htey can still feel intelligent to them. The ebon vanguard, who no1 knows anything about anymore, will become dragon riders, stealing young dragons and riding them. The great destroyer will come once more, this time not to hurt you, but to turn you in to a beast for the final battle againt promodus.

5.Promodus: On the first floow, you will be teamed up with the lich lord. After fighting ur way to a while, u will eneter the keystone. On this, the lich will summon undead to help u defend and u will fight against multiple waves of enemies.

On the second floor, Shiro shall return. He will summon an army of shroken to help you fight along with him, and you will go through a very long floor full of fighting.

On the third floow, you will have torment creatures and you must lead "Varesh" to the fleeing dragon to chaine him down.

On the fourth floor, you will start out with a ton of norn and asuran soldiers, who will help you fight the chained promdus and fighting off waves of enemies. After a while, he will break free and fly away. At this point, u will ride dragons and flee after him while fighting him to the fifth and final floor.

YOu will see him land and breath fire at you. It will knock all ur dragons away and weaken you. You must survive for 2 minutes until the great destroyer rises up out of some lava and heals you. After this, you will unleash a barrage of attacks on a fast moving, hard hitting promodus for a while. Towards the end, he will blow all ur allies away, and u will fight him one on one, except you will be in beserker form, only available here, in which you are invincible for 1 minute and have strong moves. AFter this wears off, uyou will die.

In the underworld, you will fight ur way up and up to the surface using those ascalon soldiers that u saved from patroling ascalon city.Oncwe u get up top u willl break open and surprise the dragon. At this point u urself will transform into a dragon for an ultimate 1v1 nmatch. U win:)

Hehe, I can dream can't I.