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The Fate of the Commander

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The Fate of the Commander

The Fate of the Commander.jpg

Skyward Marches
(Skywatch Archipelago)
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The Fate of the Commander is an object that can be found on a cart within Farisan Village in Skyward Marches.


Horn of Maguuma


The Fate of the Commander

It's been many months now since the commander fled Elona in the wake of Balthazar's victory. The people here have not forgotten their promise as they left: that they would return and undo the damage before it was too late. But as Balthazar's power has solidified and the absence of the commander has lengthened, it has become clear to most of us that no salvation is coming. We are on our own.

No one knows what became of them after leaving. Perhaps they succumbed to the injuries Balthazar inflicted on them, or maybe they truly are preparing to return. But perhaps it is as so many fear: we have been abandoned by yet another savior, left to die in our desert and be consigned to history. A forgotten people, buried in sand.