Talk:The Legendary Facets of Aurene

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The new achievement with the Jormag title has no ID number. I updated the title name, but not sure what the ID should be, or how it should be generated. The preceding unsigned comment was added by FireStorm.7684 (talk) at 04:29, 5 October 2022‎ (UTC).

We get Ids of achievements and items from API. That is from Anet themselfs. It might take time for them to whitelist it for us. That is why we made those pages without the ids and they will be added later on when we can ;) --DiegoDeLaHouska (talk) 08:21, 5 October 2022 (UTC)
The API generally whitelists its contents once a player has acquired that content. So in this case we have to wait for someone to complete the achievement before we can add the id. —Kvothe (talk) 11:01, 5 October 2022 (UTC)

Price Table Misleading[edit]

the table of price at the bottom of the page implies you only need to buy the uncharged fragment for subsequent completions, but this is not true, you have to re-buy the scale fragments as well, this increases the cost by over 100 gold, and includes using large amounts of non-tradable currencies that can be slow to gain (karma and spirit shards). should the table not be updated to reflect this? TBTerra (talk) 15:05, 11 April 2024 (UTC)