Talk:Primus Kurr

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Feedback 2018/10/09[edit]

A seemingly rare event can sometimes occur with Primus Kurr and the cubs. It seems to start either when there's a player nearby or when a player enters the map through the Black Citadel map-transition portal, but after playing once I haven't been able to see it being repeated again, not even after spending multiple hours observing the NPCs, nor when zoning in and out with old and new characters. It could be that the event is bugged and is only played once per map instance.


Primus Kurr - Primus Kurr
Leader Cub - Cub (3rd counting from east)
Rebel Cub - Cub (1st counting from east)
Soldier M - Soldier (the male one out of two that are standing near a lamppost north from Primus Kurr)
Soldier F - Soldier (the female one out of two that are standing near a lamppost north from Primus Kurr)

Primus Kurr: Listen up, troopers! It's time for patrol. You're going out, and you're coming back.
Leader Cub: What's our objective, sir?
Primus Kurr: Don't start any fights...but be ready to finish them.
Rebel Cub: Who's in command?

(Primus Kurr plays a '/point' emote in no particular direction.)

Primus Kurr: He won King of the Hill yesterday, so you'll be following his orders.
Rebel Cub: He cheated. And I know the fields better than he does!
Primus Kurr: He won, trooper. You lost. Fall in and follow your orders. Got it? Good! Get rolling!

(Leader Cub starts moving, a few seconds later the rest of the cubs enter formation behind him. They move out heading east, behind the house. After reaching a sort of a cobblestone path, they stop, Rebel Cub gets out of formation and Leader Cub faces her.)

Leader Cub: Use the wheat fields for cover!
Leader Cub: Watch our flank. Get ready for ambush.
Rebel Cub: Yeah, we could get attacked by cows at any moment.
Leader Cub: Stow it, soldier!
Rebel Cub: You're not a legionnaire yet. When we get back to the fahrar, you are so dead.

(They head out north in a formation. Half-way towards the road they stop again, Rebel Cub gets out of formation and Leader Cub faces her.)

Rebel Cub: This is boring! When do we get to fight?
Leader Cub: Orders. Patrol and observe. We don't start trouble. We just finish it.
Rebel Cub: Who put your in charge?
Leader Cub: I put me in charge! 'Cause I'm the decider! You can fight me for command, or you can keep your mouth shut! What's it gonna be?
Leader Cub: Yeah, that's what I thought. Fall in. We're on patrol.

(They resume towards the road, after reaching it they head back along the road to Primus Kurr. When passing by the two Soldiers near a lamppost the following conversation happens.)

Soldier M: I think they're at it again.
Soldier F: Cubs and their warbands. I was starting to worry about them.
Soldier M: Yeah, I haven't seen them fighting for days.
Soldier F: Don't worry. It'll pick up again soon. A good tussle is exactly what this town needs. Be ready for it.

(Cubs reach Primus Kurr and the event stalls. There is no conclusion, cubs never break formation and return back to their starting positions in a line in front of Primus Kurr, and thus the event doesn't seem to ever repeat. You can score fun points by walking around Leader Cub and talking to him, making the rest of the cubs do a Merry-Go-Round.)

-- 07:58, 9 October 2018 (UTC)