Talk:Monastery Training

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Contribution from Event star (tango icon).png Demonstrate your painting prowess (80)[edit]

from the page: 2% heart progress for every five perfect lines, with an additional 1% for every additional five perfect lines -- Execute 5 perfect paint strokes to earn additional time. When I first attempted to document, I could have sworn I capped out about 75%, but I didn't have a squad up to check. On a 2nd character, I failed more and capped at 47%. Is it limited to a number of rounds, maybe three? -- Adeira 2023-02-04

Tested again today with a character that has completed the heart previously. Capped at 47%, 27% and timed out (several mistakes strokes), plus 20% from a second round at it. Adeira Tasharo (talk) 22:24, 11 February 2023 (UTC)