Talk:Grand Exalted Chest

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Magic Find[edit]

These chests are affected by magic find, unlike other containers/chests, correct? If this is confirmed, shouldn't it be added to the notes section?

Plenty of time[edit]

The tunnels are open for at least 15 minutes. I couldn't join a squad as all maps were full, but got after they'd completed the meta. I still got 15 mins. Of course you may need to allow some time to clear your inventory. Some kind soul had planted him right on the central platform in the last chamber just now, which was handy. The last time some joker had placed the merchant right IN a chest which was a bit annoying. A bit of care with selecting targets worked though, then I used the merchant too heh. ~Lya

Once a day?[edit]

I think you can only open the Grand chests once a day on your account, as when I tried again a couple of hours later they were already open. Will check and confirm. ~Lya

You get the Grand Exalted Chests at least for different characters on the same day. I did not do the meta twice with the same character at the same day. ~Bananenbaum