Talk:Disguise yourself as a Separatist and attack the Flame Legion hideout

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how to plant those evidence? 09/10/2012 Ivan

I walked in on this event twice, back in BWE2 and just last week, and both times no one could figure out what we were supposed to do about the evidence. Pretty sure it's bugged. —Dr Ishmael User Dr ishmael Diablo the chicken.png 15:24, 9 October 2012 (UTC)
If it's the event I am thinking of, it really only works properly when a single person is doing it. After X supplies are destroyed, there are several locations in the camp where you can press F to interact and leave behind one of those anti-treaty posters that you can find around Ebonhawke sometimes. These locations can be identified by already having half a poster there, and also by that quest icon that's used to indicate the end location of an escort quest (it's round and looks like a sunburst). If more than one person tries to do this event at the same time, though, I've found that it distributes credit weirdly. I singlehandedly destroyed all the supplies, but some other guy ninja'd the poster locations while I wasn't looking, and I got a bronze reward. :| Vili 点 User talk:Vili 15:47, 9 October 2012 (UTC)